[comp.lang.c++] MSC C 6.00 + cfront

pete@abccam.abcl.co.uk (Peter Cockerell) (08/22/90)

I've tried to reply to the posting:

Message-ID: <9008181728.3322@nowhere.uucp>
Date: 18 Aug 90 17:28:04 GMT
Organization: nowhere

using email, but it keeps bouncing (sking@nowhere.uucp: how do I reach you?)
so I'm posting this instead.

The declaration:

   void __dt__3fooFv(struct foo *__0this, int );

generated by cfront 2.00 using the +a1 flags seems pretty legal ANSI C, and
our compiler accepts it with no problem. Just to make sure it wasn't some
'contextual' thing I tried 

   class foo {
   main() {
          foo f;

and that compiled OK too. So I think there's a problem with MSC 6.00. Big
help, huh?

Pete Cockerell