[comp.lang.c++] NIH problem

dtung@ahs.UUCP (David Tung) (08/22/90)

	In the Process class of NIH library, there is "unrolled loop
using Duff's device". Do we have to use that to copy stack? Because 
On VMS this can't pass VAX C compiler.

	Thanks in advance!!!

				e-mail: uunet!ahs!dtung

kgorlen@sparkler.dcrt.nih.gov (Keith Gorlen) (08/23/90)

In article <1018@ahs.UUCP>, dtung@ahs.UUCP (David Tung) writes:
|>	In the Process class of NIH library, there is "unrolled loop
|>using Duff's device". Do we have to use that to copy stack? Because 
|>On VMS this can't pass VAX C compiler.
|>	Thanks in advance!!!
|>				e-mail: uunet!ahs!dtung

It shouldn't be necessary, although I can't recall testing it.  Try
commenting out the #define DUFF in Process.c.
	Keith Gorlen			phone: (301) 496-1111
	Building 12A, Room 2033		uucp: uunet!nih-csl!kgorlen
	National Institutes of Health	Internet: kgorlen@alw.nih.gov
	Bethesda, MD 20892