[comp.lang.c++] Turbo c++ Environment bug??

David_Dave_Tamashiro@cup.portal.com (08/17/90)

I have noticed that TC++ locks up whenever I edit alot of project files
in one session.  The keyboard seems to lock up after I edit one too many
project files.  The mouse cursor still moves, but the mouse buttons also
are frozen.  Does anyone else have this problem??



patrickd@chinet.chi.il.us (Patrick Deupree) (08/23/90)

In article <32909@cup.portal.com> David_Dave_Tamashiro@cup.portal.com writes:
>I have noticed that TC++ locks up whenever I edit alot of project files
>in one session.  The keyboard seems to lock up after I edit one too many
>project files.  The mouse cursor still moves, but the mouse buttons also
>are frozen.  Does anyone else have this problem??

I had all sorts of problems with the integrated enviroment.  It's possible
that I'm just so used to doing things "the hard way" that a productivity
tool throws me for a loop.  I've just gone down to make files and using
TCC.  That way I can use VI for my editor instead of the turbo editor.
The Window idea in the integrated environment was a nice idea though.  I
wish I could make good use of it.  (Maybe if I read a manual for once I
could figure it all out, eh?)
"Organized fandom is composed of a bunch of nitpickers with a thing for
 trivial pursuit."  -Harlan Ellison

Patrick Deupree ->	patrickd@chinet.chi.il.us