[comp.lang.c++] calling Zortech C++ methods from assembly

880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) (08/17/90)

I looked through the assembly sections of the compiler manual (2.06)
but couldn't find the required info.  It only discussed calling assembly
from C++ (with C linkage).  What I need is the information required to
invoke C++ methods from assembly.

Thanks in advance.

"I liked him better before he died" - McCoy, ST V
Dave Astels            |  Internet: 880716a@AcadiaU.CA
PO Box 835, Wolfville, |  Bitnet:   880716a@Acadia

joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) (08/18/90)

In article <1990Aug17.142520.5402@aucs.uucp>, 880716a@aucs.uucp 
(Dave Astels) writes:
> I looked through the assembly sections of the compiler manual (2.06)
> but couldn't find the required info.  It only discussed calling assembly
> from C++ (with C linkage).  What I need is the information required to
> invoke C++ methods from assembly.

The reason it isn't documented is because it can be a real nightmare.  The
names are mangled for type safe linking, there are hidden parameters 
('this') and virtual functions are really function pointers (that may change 
their location between compiler versions).

Basically, don't do it.  If you REALLY want to do it, call the function
from a C++ function, compile with -gl (line numbers turned on), then 
run OBJTOASM on the resultant .OBJ file.  This will generate the assembly
code from the object code the compiler generated.  This will show you
the mangled function name, how it's done with the current version of the 
compiler and with that particular function.   

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pwt@otter.hpl.hp.com (Peter Toft) (08/20/90)

C++ function pointers can be passed in to the assembly code, which can then 
subsequently be called from within the assembly routines.  I've done this
when calling C++ from C, usually by having a 'setup' routine in the C code
that is called from C++ to set up the pointers to the required C++ functions.

This gets around having to know the mangled names.


Peter Toft,				ARPANET	pwt@hplb.hpl.hp.com
Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, 		JANET	pwt@lb.hp.co.uk
Filton Road,				UUCP	...!mcvax!ukc!hplb!pwt
Stoke Gifford,				CSNET	pwt%hplb.csnet@relay.cs.net
Bristol.				HPdesk	Peter TOFT / HPC600 / 05
BS12 6QZ.				Phone	UK (0272) 799910 ext 24245
United Kingdom.					Int'l +44 272 799910 ext 24245

880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) (08/20/90)

In article <1394@proto.COM> joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) writes:
>In article <1990Aug17.142520.5402@aucs.uucp>, 880716a@aucs.uucp 
>(Dave Astels) writes:
>>[...] invoke C++ methods from assembly.
>The reason it isn't documented is because it can be a real nightmare.

Most really powerfull things are.

>The names are mangled for type safe linking,

No problem.  I've read the sections on name mangling and it is simple enough.

>there are hidden parameters ('this') 

Again no problem.  Just an extra push or two.

>and virtual functions are really function pointers (that may change 
>their location between compiler versions).

This can be a problem.  However, if I need to invoke a virtual method, I can
have a non-virtual one to invoke which will take care of invoking the virtual

>Basically, don't do it.  If you REALLY want to do it, call the function
>from a C++ function, compile with -gl (line numbers turned on), then 
>run OBJTOASM on the resultant .OBJ file.  This will generate the assembly
>code from the object code the compiler generated.  This will show you
>the mangled function name, how it's done with the current version of the 
>compiler and with that particular function.   

I had hoped not to have to resort to this again (this is how I taught myself
the C calling convention.

I've done this (asm->C++) successfully using Turbo Pascal 5.5, so the 
tricks (implicit parameter, etc) aren't new to me.  Borland outlines ALL
calling conventions fully in the TP5.5 manuals.  I do wish Zortech would
give full information in their manuals, for those of us who enjoy getting
our hands dirty.

"I liked him better before he died" - McCoy, ST V
Dave Astels            |  Internet: 880716a@AcadiaU.CA
PO Box 835, Wolfville, |  Bitnet:   880716a@Acadia

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (08/21/90)

In article <1990Aug17.142520.5402@aucs.uucp> 880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) writes:
<I looked through the assembly sections of the compiler manual (2.06)
<but couldn't find the required info.  It only discussed calling assembly
<from C++ (with C linkage).  What I need is the information required to
<invoke C++ methods from assembly.

Probably the easiest way to figure this out is to write a function that
calls a method in C++, compile it with the -gl switch, and run OBJTOASM
on the output.

In general, arguments are pushed left-to-right, the 'this' pointer is
pushed last, and the callee cleans up the stack. To get the 'mangled'
name of the method to call, run OBJTOASM on the .OBJ file that contains the
definition of the method.

dan@dyndata.UUCP (Dan Everhart) (08/26/90)

In article <1394@proto.COM> joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) writes:

>  In article <1990Aug17.142520.5402@aucs.uucp>, 880716a@aucs.uucp 
>  (Dave Astels) writes:
>  > 
>  > I looked through the assembly sections of the compiler manual (2.06)
>  > but couldn't find the required info.  It only discussed calling assembly
>  > from C++ (with C linkage).  What I need is the information required to
>  > invoke C++ methods from assembly.

I agree.  If you're going to provide the spec for C <--> assembly, you
ought to provide the C++ spec as well.  We're encouraging people to
switch to C++, right?

>  The reason it isn't documented is because it can be a real
>  nightmare.

As professionals, we're used to dealing with nightmarish situations.
Or do you mean that it is a nightmare for Zortech to *document*?

>  The
>  names are mangled for type safe linking, there are hidden parameters 
>  ('this') and virtual functions are really function pointers (that may change 
>  their location between compiler versions).

Such variations can be described in a README.  In fact, why not
provide the information ONLY in the readme to prevent making the
manual obsolete when the protocol changes.

>  Basically, don't do it.  

Sorry, sometimes such things HAVE to be done in the real world.
Withholding the information just on principle is not helpful.

>  If you REALLY want to do it, call the function
>  from a C++ function, compile with -gl (line numbers turned on), then 
>  run OBJTOASM on the resultant .OBJ file.  [...]

Good advice, thanks.  Nevertheless, this technique will only tell you what
to do, leaving you to figure out for yourself why it is done that way.
(E.g. "Hmmm, what are all these constant additions and dereferences

Myself, I needed to call a virtual member function from assembly.  To
get the program running quicker, I avoided reverse-engineering the
virtual function call sequence by calling a private regular member
function which calls the virtual function.  When the program is done
and needs to be optimized I will want to eliminate this extra call.
I'd like to see Zortech document the assembly -> C++ call, since it
would save me the work of figuing it out for myself.  There's the
nightmare :-)

joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) (08/26/90)

In article <697@dyndata.UUCP>, dan@dyndata.UUCP (Dan Everhart) writes:
> In article <1394@proto.COM> joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) writes:

[...deleted stuff...]

> I agree.  If you're going to provide the spec for C <--> assembly, you
> ought to provide the C++ spec as well.  We're encouraging people to
> switch to C++, right?

Encourage?  Yes!  Provide a 'spec' that may change version to version?  I'm
not so sure.  A spec to me implies some sort of commitment to avoid change.
Also the 'C++' interface it is not nearly as 'clean' an interface as the 'C' 
interface.  It is more complex (some functions receive arguments pushed 
left to right others right to left) and changing the interface was an 
option that was preferrable to keep open.

> >  The reason it isn't documented is because it can be a real
> >  nightmare.
> As professionals, we're used to dealing with nightmarish situations.
> Or do you mean that it is a nightmare for Zortech to *document*?

It would only take time.  Time to do the documentation, time to bring the
tech support people up to speed, and time spent on the phone with people 
that misread the documentation.  If someone had asked me whether it 
should be documented I would have only needed to think about it for
two or three seconds before decideing that it shouldn't be necessary.
I can only think of one application where you MIGHT want to call C++ from
assembly language (an interrupt service routine, where you need to do
an 'iret' instead of an 'ret').  And then there are easy work-arounds.

> Such variations can be described in a README.  In fact, why not
> provide the information ONLY in the readme to prevent making the
> manual obsolete when the protocol changes.

If we were to do it I think you have good advice here.  READ.ME only
documentation.  Fewer people will try it, less support problems, a more
casual 'tone' where you can advise them of the risks more forcefully, etc.

> >  Basically, don't do it.  
> Sorry, sometimes such things HAVE to be done in the real world.
> Withholding the information just on principle is not helpful.

I'm sure the reason was to leave more options open, not "just on principle".
And I'm not yet convinced that "such things HAVE to be done".  I have
written many tens of thousands of lines of "real world" code.  You almost
certain have even used some of my code.  And I am unconvinced that it is
really a necessity from a programming perspective.  From a customer 
relations perspective, I am nearly convinced it's important (but not that
we "HAVE" to).

> Good advice, thanks.  

You're welcome.  :-)

> I'd like to see Zortech document the assembly -> C++ call, since it
> would save me the work of figuing it out for myself.  There's the
> nightmare :-)

If you only have one or two functions you need to call, the reverse
engineering approach using the method I discribed would probably be
quicker and easier than reading several pages of documentation with all
the special cases enumerated and trying to figure out which case your
function fell into.

I'm sure that this will be discussed internally at Zortech and a decision
made about how to handle it...

Would you email me a reason you "HAVE" to do this?  If you really want this
done you will have to convince some people that it's necessary...

FAX: 208-263-8772