[comp.lang.c++] Zortech

chuck@hotlr.ATT ( C J Luciano hotld) (07/07/88)

I just received my copy of Zortech's c++. For $100.00 you can't beat the price
but I really haven't evaluated it as yet. 

The problem I have with it is; I can't find the glossy information sheet that
Zortech sent me about a month ago, but I could swear it said something like :

Full source code for over 400 library functions is included. Well I can't find
the source code on any of the eight very attractive diskettes that came with it.
If anybody out there can refresh my memory, and or possibly arrange to send me
a copy of their ad, i'd surely appreciate it.

Chuck Luciano

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (07/09/88)

In article <434@hotlr.ATT> chuck@hotlr.ATT ( C J Luciano hotld) writes:
<I just received my copy of Zortech's c++.
<The problem I have with it is; I can't find the glossy information sheet that
<Zortech sent me about a month ago, but I could swear it said something like :
<Full source code for over 400 library functions is included. Well I can't find
<the source code on any of the eight very attractive diskettes that came with it.

The library source code is available separately for $50. It includes
everything (including the floating point code) except for the source to
the graphics code.

My copy of the magazine ad doesn't say that source is included.

edgerton@csdpie.dec.com (01/10/89)

Subject: RE: Zortech C++ Bugs

Joel Parke (and others) write:
> [Comments about bugs they have found].
> I attempted to compile a number of the example programs
> from THE C++ book.  Aprox. 10 failed.  Even the complex 
> number code from AT&T failed.

Please include the revision of the compiler.  It is of
no use to me to hear that you have bugs when you may be
running with a version 1.04 compiler!

> They promised me a new bug free version of 
> the compiler, but I am still waiting.

I called Zortech the week ending Dec 30th, 1988 and ordered the update
to version 1.07 for $20.  It arrived the following week.  You
give no details of when you asked for your update, or what version
it was for.  Did they debit your charge card?  Was the update
supposed to be free?  I believe version 1.06 was the last free

> How can a company distribute a compiler that doesn't
> even compile simple C++ constructs?  I consider that
> I wasted by money, and infact that they have provided a
> disservice to the user community in general.  Many people
> that do not know C++ and attempt to learn it from the
> Zortech code, will be discouraged.  

I was running with the version 1.05 compiler.  I know it has
problems, so does the Oasys compiler I use on VMS.  From the
various bug reports and questions, so does Cfront.  The language
is not fully stable yet!  For the $99 price I received a system
that runs on my machine at home and allowed me to experiment
and work with the language.  It's a free market, and as other people
have said better than I can, Walter Bright is working on
improving it.  If you want a "better" compiler,
expect to pay more than $99.

Granted there are many things I would like to see added to the
compiler, full implementation of the protected and private
keywords for one.  Maybe Mr. Bright can give some feel for
when those items will appear.

>     The opinions expressed are my own.
>	Joel Parke.

So are mine,
	David Edgerton

jefu@pawl.rpi.edu (Jeffrey Putnam) (01/30/89)

Ok, i have been considering buying Zortech C++ and having been listening
to the flames and fun for a while want to ask a couple questions now that
things seem to have quieted down. 

Please respond by mail unless you feel a burning need to tell the world.
I will summarize and post results given sufficient interest and response.

1) How much does Zortech C++ cost?  Are there student discounts?  Discounts
for academics?

2) Does it link with Turbo C libraries?  
3) Does it do graphics?  I can live without most of the Turbo C libraries,
if it cant do them, but want at least minimal graphics for a Hercules board.
This would include initialization, draw_pixel, draw_line.

4) Is it solid?  That is, does it do a lot of flakey things that give trouble
and that they are fixing for the next release?

5) How well does it do the examples in the stroustrup book?  Will it handle
the complex numbers in particular?

6) What (if anything) is the upgrade policy?

7) Does it come with example code?   

8) How about utilities?

jeff putnam        -- "Sometimes one must attempt the impossible if only to
jefu@pawl.rpi.edu  --  show it is merely inadvisable."

feustel@well.sf.ca.us (David Alan Feustel) (08/27/90)

Having posted a note detailing my problems getting the Zortech C++
Developers' Kit, I wanted to also post a note saying that Zortech took
note of my problems and has completely resolved them, going the extra
mile in the process.

Also, running ZTC with PC Super Kwikcache on an 8 megabyte 386 I found,
after building the Zortech Tools and Sample Programs, that the caching
program eliminated 95% of the physical disk accesses. I would say that
the two programs work well together when there is extended memory
Phone:	 (work) 219-482-9631; MCI mail: DFEUSTEL
E-mail:	feustel@well.sf.ca.us	{ucbvax,apple,hplabs,pacbell}!well!feustel	
USMAIL: Dave Feustel, 1930 Curdes Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46805-2710