[comp.lang.c++] C++

jaervinen@dcc.dec.com (CIM International Engineering) (11/13/87)

Eric.M.Carroll@Unicus.COM writes:

>I too am interested in the state of 80x86 C++ compilers currently on the

I haven't used any C++ translators (yet) but I have brochures from
Glockenspiel Ltd. (Dublin, Ireland) about their product. I believe
it is the one sold by Lifeboat in US (I am in Germany) but I've also
heard rumors they have an office of their own now.

Anyway, they offer C++ for PC & clones to be used with Lattice, Microsoft C,
and Xenix. There's also an Ataris ST, Mac II (and of course VAX etc.) version.

Glockenspiel can be contacted at 19 Belvedere Place, Dublin 1, Ireland,
phone +353 1 364515.

Usual disclaimer: I have no connection whatever blah blah blah
other than being in posession of some of their brochures...

pardo@june.cs.washington.edu (David Keppel) (08/30/88)

burgett@steel.UUCP (Michael Burgett) writes:
>have you "scientists" considered using an extensible language (like
>C++ :-)) to solve some of your woes??

Some have.  The School of Oceanography here has a major project trying
to put to gether a cannonical library of useful tools (e.g.,
statistics, curve fitting, data disply, ...) using C++.  To quote from
the chief programmer's .project:

Project: Evangelizing the true C++ to the heathen Fortran Oceanographers

Want to know more about C++?  Try:

    Bjarne Stroustroup "The C++ Programming Language"

My personal feeling: Since Sun/AT&T has announced (some ammount of
commitment) that they will be using C++ in future Un*xs and since some
major groups (such as Cray) have a committment to high-performance
compilers and C++ (appears to be) a good way to go about doing
scientific programming, I think that the quality if C++ compilers will
get good quite soon.

Want to know more about the Oceanography project?  Send me e-mail,
I'll try to get a project summary out to you.

	;-D on  ( Not involved with the project in any way )  Pardo

akenning@pico.oz (Alan Kennington) (02/01/90)

I'm amazed that I haven't seen any mention of C++ for the Atari ST.
Does anyone if there is such a thing? After all, the IBM PC has had it for
years now.


boyd@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu (Mickey Boyd) (02/02/90)

In article <451@pico.oz>, akenning@pico.qpsx.oz (Alan Kennington) writes:
>I'm amazed that I haven't seen any mention of C++ for the Atari ST.
>Does anyone if there is such a thing? After all, the IBM PC has had it for
>years now.

I believe the GNU C++ compiler has been successfully ported over to the 
ST domain, and I also understand that the FSF is developing interest in
ST's (net rumor).  Another nifty story is their response to Apple legal

         Mickey Boyd                 |    "Nobody can be exactly like me.
                                     |      Even I have trouble doing it."
             FSU Comp Sci            |              - Tallulah Bankhead

pfuetz@zgdvda.UUCP (Matthias Pfuetzner) (02/02/90)


Sure there is one of the best C and C++ compilers available for ATARI
GNU-C, GNU-C++, and all other GNU-Software are available for TOS and
minix from terminator.cc.umich.edu via anonymous ftp.
Hope this helps.


swklassen@tiger.waterloo.edu (Steven W. Klassen) (02/03/90)

In article <9002011956.AA16674@fsucs.cs.fsu.edu> boyd@nu.cs.fsu.edu (Mickey Boyd) writes:
>I believe the GNU C++ compiler has been successfully ported over to the 
>ST domain, and I also understand that the FSF is developing interest in

Can anyone confirm this and give a location (ie. archive or ftp site)
where it can be obtained?

Steven W. Klassen                       +-----------------------------+
Computer Science Major                  | Support the poor...buy fur! |
University of Waterloo                  +-----------------------------+

brazil@pawl.rpi.edu (Timothy E. Onders) (02/03/90)

In article <20466@watdragon.waterloo.edu> swklassen@tiger.waterloo.edu (Steven W. Klassen) writes:
>Can anyone confirm this and give a location (ie. archive or ftp site)
>where it can be obtained?

Yes, G++ exists for the ST. It's available from terminator.cc.umich.edu
for anonymous FTP (archive server too I think). However, it requires
at least two megs of memory, and preferrably four.

					-Tim Onders

buggs@cup.portal.com (William Edward JuneJr) (02/04/90)

I can access the panarthea machine by mail.
How do I access the terminator machine?
No, I don't have ftp here.

Ed <Net neophyte> June

cheever@sumax.UUCP (Richard L. Cheever) (02/14/90)

I found what appears to be a good offer.

  FROM:  AT&T, Unix software operation, 1-800-828-UNIX
  WHAT:  source code for C++ Language System Release 2
  COST:  $300 (academic environment)
  UNIX:  Runs on Unix system V

Questions:  Is anyone using this product?
            We're running BSD Unix. Will this port easily?

 Richard L. Cheever     cheever%sumax.UUCP@beaver.cs.washington.edu
                       (206) 296 5550
 Seattle University, CIS 6th Floor Engineering, Seattle WA  98102
 Ducharme's Precept: Opportunity always knocks at the least opportune moment

dcourte@thor.wright.edu (Dale Courte,040P Lib. Annex,873-4030,) (02/14/90)

From article <1245@sumax.UUCP>, by cheever@sumax.UUCP (Richard L. Cheever):
> I found what appears to be a good offer.
>   FROM:  AT&T, Unix software operation, 1-800-828-UNIX
>   WHAT:  source code for C++ Language System Release 2
>   COST:  $300 (academic environment)
>   UNIX:  Runs on Unix system V
> Questions:  Is anyone using this product?
>             We're running BSD Unix. Will this port easily?

I have ported the AT&T C++ Tranlsator, release 1.2 to our Multimax
running UMAX 42. (3.3.0). The port involved only one snag, which had to
due with byte-ordering on the NS32000 series chips. After isolating the
problem, the fix was simple, and we now have the main data structures
course in our undergraduate program using it on a daily basis. The fix
was a simple ifdef change in a header file which I won't list here
since it may not even be a problem with 2.0.

Who is your AT&T contact for this? The license we have was handled
through our CS department, but I would be interested in upgrading to

-Dale Courte
 Wright State University
 CSNET: dcourte@eve.wright.edu

lewin@rocket.uucp (Stu Lewin) (08/07/90)

I'm somewhat new to C++ programming, so please bear with the naivete
of this question:

I want to write some C++ code to run under VxWorks on a Motorola-147
board (it's either that or Ada ;-) I am using a Sun3, g++ (Version
1.37, I think) and VxWorks (Version 4.02). I've written C code and
gotten that to work OK, but when I try to build something with C++ I
get a number of unresolved symbols at download time to the board. My
command line argument for linking is:
	"g++ -r -o $@ -nostdlib -static $(OBJECTS)"
where the objects have all been compiled with:
	"g++ -O -sun3 -DDEBUG -c file.cc"

I guess what I'm asking is two fold: (1) Has anyone ever done this
before? and if not, (2) Do I stand a chance of getting it to work?
Please reply via email, and I will summarize any replies I get to the
net. Thanks!

Stu Lewin                                  Lockheed Sanders, Inc.
Ada Projects Leader                        PO Box 2034, MER24-1583C
Signal Processing Center of Technology     Nashua, NH 03061-2034
uunet!rocket!lewin                         603/885-0179 (Voice)
(or) rocket!lewin@savax.Sanders.COM        603/88500631 (FAX)

shin@se-sd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Chang Shin) (08/08/90)

I am looking for some good books about c++. so c++ gurus out there, give me
recommendations, please send me a mail, I appreciate it..
				      thanks in advance

bss@i88.isc.com (Brian Shaver) (08/29/90)

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