[comp.lang.c++] Problem with Turbo C++ 1.0: _stklen and "User Screen"

afc@mace.cc.purdue.edu (Greg Flint) (08/29/90)

Having just wasted 30 expensive minutes waiting for Borland's Tech Service
to "free up a service rep", I've decided to post my questions to the net.

1) Does Borland have an 800 number?  (Not on my original list, but....)

2) I'm trying to change my stack length.  The following works in TC 2.0, but
   won't work with TC++ 1.0:

	As a global variable in "globals.c" (as per the online help):

		unsigned _stklen = 0x2fff;   /* change stack length */

        In a routine called dosstuff.c, I include:
		#include <dos.h>

	and get a diagnostic:

		Type mismatch in redefinition of "_stklen"
	that points to the "<dos.h>" definition of _stklen.

   What's wrong and what can I do about it?

3) Attempting to look at the user screen (Alt F5) during a debug run (within
   the IDE) will sometimes hang my machine such that even CTL-ALT-DEL won't
   work.  Suggestions?

Greg Flint 	  Math G-169   (317) 494-1787   UUCP:  purdue!klaatu.cc!afc
  Purdue Univ.	  Purdue University	    INTERNET:  afc@klaatu.cc.purdue.edu
  Computing Ctr.  West Lafayette, IN 47907    BITNET:  flint@purccvm.bitnet