[comp.lang.c++] Passing class name as argument?

rgonzal@elbereth.rutgers.edu (Ralph Gonzalez) (08/30/90)

I'm trying to make my Think C 4.0 code fully upward compatible with C++ so
I can run things on some of the minicomputers around here.  I've got
one problem which could mean some serious headaches.
In my Think C version of persistency (remember that
there are no automated constructor/destuctor functions available)
I was making use of the fact that in Think C a class name is itself a
void pointer.  For example, if I create the class Persistent, then I can
define a member function returning a void pointer like this:
    void  *Persistent::get_class(void)
        return Persistent;
Neat, eh?  Now, in C++ this gives a syntax error.  My question is:  Is
there any way of passing class names like this in C++???????????
Thanks in advance!

Please reply via email to:  rgonzal@chowder.rutgers.edu

patrickd@chinet.chi.il.us (Patrick Deupree) (08/30/90)

In article <Aug.> rgonzal@elbereth.rutgers.edu (Ralph Gonzalez) writes:
>    void  *Persistent::get_class(void)
>    {
>        return Persistent;
>    }
>Neat, eh?  Now, in C++ this gives a syntax error.  My question is:  Is
>there any way of passing class names like this in C++???????????

The way things are done in Turbo C++ is that there is a file called
"clstypes.h".  Inside of this file is a table of definitions that looks
something like:

	#define objectClass 0
	#define containerClass objectClass+1

This is the way that a class type is passed back.  This class is passed
back in a method (member function) called isA.  There is also a member
function called nameOf that will pass back a string representation of
the class name.
"What's in a name?  That which we call a rose by any other name would smell
 as sweet."             William Shakespeare
Patrick Deupree ->	patrickd@chinet.chi.il.us   (708) 328-3800
(Please note there are both a patrick and a patrickd at this site)