[comp.lang.c++] Object Oriented Presentation

pacific@runxtsa.runx.oz.au (Pacific Partners) (08/28/90)

Platform Technologies will be presenting PTECH the Conceptual Object Modelling
Tool that generates C++ code that will work stand alone or with ONTOS tha ObjectDatabase.  The presentation will be conducted by John Edwards the founder of ADTand author of PTECH iat Milsons Point in Sydeny.

If you would like to attend contact thew organisers on 956 7593 and ask for
Salvatore Barbagallo.

sdl@linus.mitre.org (Steven D. Litvinchouk) (08/31/90)

In article <2202@runxtsa.runx.oz.au> pacific@runxtsa.runx.oz.au (Pacific Partners) writes:

> Platform Technologies will be presenting PTECH the Conceptual Object
> Modelling Tool that generates C++ code that will work stand alone or
> with ONTOS tha ObjectDatabase.  The presentation will be conducted
> by John Edwards the founder of ADTand author of PTECH iat Milsons
> Point in Sydeny.

I will be unable to attend, but would like to contact Platform
Technologies about this.  So could you possibly supply us with an
address and telephone number of that company?  Thanks in advance!


Steven Litvintchouk
MITRE Corporation
Burlington Road
Bedford, MA  01730
ARPA:  sdl@mbunix.mitre.org
UUCP:  ...{att,decvax,genrad,ll-xn,philabs,utzoo}!linus!sdl
	"Where does he get those wonderful toys?"
				-- J. Napier (a.k.a. "The Joker")