[comp.lang.c++] Plotting points in InterViews

bp@.cis.ufl.edu (Brian Pane) (09/01/90)

I need to write an X application which will allow the points of a large
grid to be plotted individually in color.  I need to figure out how to
do this quickly; otherwise, I will end up having to learn SunView.
I'm sure this task is possible with InterViews.  The obvious (to me) 
approach is to create a subclass of some existing interactor (Frame?)
which has a plot(x,y,color) member and handles expose events by redrawing
its grid of points.  I'm sure somebody must have created such an
interactor already.  Could anyone who has source for one or knows where
to find source for one please send me e-mail?  (This work is only for
a course, not for a product of any sort.)

Brian Pane
Brian Pane	University of Florida Department of Computer Science
bp@cis.ufl.edu			Class of 1991

"If you can keep your expectations       |#ifdef OFFENDED_ANYONE
 tiny, you'll go through life            |#  include "disclaimer.h"
 without being so whiny" - Matt Groening |#endif