[comp.lang.c++] TC++ DiskTutor errata

davidi@well.sf.ca.us (David Intersimone) (09/01/90)

Turbo C++ DiskTutor users,

There is a typographical error on page xix of the
introduction of the Turbo C++ Disktutor.  Under the heading
"How to Work with DiskTutor."  In explaining how to run the
C++ compiler that comes with the book, the text reads:

    Once you have entered the proper directory, start the
    DiskTutor software by typing


This is wrong.  The proper way to run the DiskTutor compiler
is to type


The file TC.EXE is installed by default in the  directory

The instructions in Chapters 1 and 2 are correct for
installing and running the DiskTutor software.  However, if
you only read the Introduction and tried to run the compiler
based on the typo cited above, you'd probably get frustrated enough
to call our publisher and yell in his ear.  Unfortunately
that's exactly how this typo was discovered.

I apologize for any frustration this has caused.

Greg Voss
(or write  c/o Osborne/McGraw-Hill)