[comp.lang.c++] undesired optimiztion

jean@paradim.UUCP (Jean Pierre LeJacq) (08/25/90)

In article <883@zinn.MV.COM>, mjv@objects.mv.com (Michael J. Vilot) writes:
> ...
> The Timer object `t' is only active in the inner block.  Of course, the
> object is apparently never used, so I may get into trouble with those
> building aggressively-optimizing compilers. ...

C++ uses the keyword volatile to provide a hint to the compiler
to avoid aggresive optimization involving an object. Since it is
only a hint, I'm not sure how portable a solution this would be.

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (08/28/90)

jean@paradim.UUCP (Jean Pierre LeJacq) writes:

|In article <883@zinn.MV.COM>, mjv@objects.mv.com (Michael J. Vilot) writes:
|> ...
|> The Timer object `t' is only active in the inner block.  Of course, the
|> object is apparently never used, so I may get into trouble with those
|> building aggressively-optimizing compilers. ...

|C++ uses the keyword volatile to provide a hint to the compiler
|to avoid aggresive optimization involving an object. Since it is
|only a hint, I'm not sure how portable a solution this would be.

E&S section 3.5:
	"A named local object may not be destroyed before the end
	of its block nor may a local named object of a class with
	a constructor or a destructor with side effects be
	eliminated even if it appears to be unused."

So a correct compiler, even an agressively-optimizing one, may not
omit (or move) the constructor/destructor Mike Vilot mentions.

As Jean Pierre mentions, "volatile" is not guaranteed to do what you want,
as its semantics are explicitly implementation-dependent (section 7.1.6).

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com

mjv@objects.mv.com (Michael J. Vilot) (09/03/90)

>From Steve Clamage:
> E&S section 3.5:
>	"A named local object may not be destroyed before the end
>	of its block

Note the word `named' in this phrase, it's important.
I had a fragment of code that was too clever by half:
	  Lock(*this);    // constructor acquires lock
	  // some action
	}                 // destructor releases lock
g++ optimized away the unnamed temporary, calling the destructor
immediately rather than at the end of the block.  This is perfectly
legal, and was solved by explicitly naming the Lock object.
Mike Vilot,  ObjectWare Inc, Nashua NH
mjv@objects.mv.com  (UUCP:  ...!decvax!zinn!objects!mjv)