[comp.lang.c++] Getting g++ to compile.

shodsdon@elrond.CalComp.COM (Steve V. Hodsdon) (09/06/90)

First the background info:
	system - Sun4
	os - SunOS-4.0.3

	gcc - 1.37.1
	g++ - 1.37.2
	libg++ - 1.37.0
	gas - 1.36

Binaries are installed in:

Gcc will bootstrap itself. I have no problem using it. Gas compiled with
no problem. G++ _seems_ to compile with no problem. I can 'make src' on
libg++, and the library is built. If I run 'make tests', I get the following:

[...] (many files compiled ok before this one)

g++ -I/home1/shodsdon/gnu/src/libg++-1.37.0/g++-include -g -O -fstrength-reduce
-felide-constructors -fschedule-insns -fdelayed-branch -fsave-memoized  -Wall
 -pipe -c  tFix16.cc
Failed assertion `codel != REFERENCE_TYPE' at line 5510 of `cplus-typeck.c'.
g++: Program cc1plus got fatal signal 6.
make[1]: *** [tFix16.o] Error 1
make: *** [tests] Error 1

HELP! I'm not sure what is going on. The file, `cplus-typeck.c', is in g++,
but why does this assertion fail?

Before the flames start, no, I know nothing about c++ :(
	All I wanted was to get groff to compile. :)

One thought, does the libg need to be at the same rev as g++ (1.37.2)?
I uucp'ed all the sources from osu-cis. No sign of any diffs to libg. Or maybe
I should reverse patch g++ down to 1.37.0? :)

Thanks in advance.

Steve Hodsdon                          | Stay sane inside insanity.
shodsdon@elrond.CalComp.COM            | Don't dream it -  Be it.
...!decwrl!decvax!elrond!shodsdon      |
(603) 885-8324                         |