[comp.lang.c++] InterViews

gamal@cevax.berkeley.edu (Gamal A. Abdalla) (10/16/87)

There is a graphic editor call idraw released with the interface . Any one out
there succeeded in making it work please reply to me . I desperately need a 
graphic editor that works in X window environment and it seems this is the one.
I have the whole code for InterViews sitting here but no success in firing it
up .


mbartucc@Teknowledge.COM (Michael Bartucca) (04/13/90)

Does anyone know if InterViews can be used with X11R3 and
AT&T C++ 2.0?

I already know that InterViews 2.6 can be used with X11R4 and
AT&T C++ 2.0.

Please respond to mbartucc@Teknowledge.Com or (415) 424-0500 X439

Mike Bartucca     Cimflex Teknowledge, Palo Alto, CA

noren@dinl.uucp (Charles Noren) (09/08/90)

Sorry to waste the bandwidth, but my e-mail keeps bouncing.
Thanks Ciaran McHale (cjmchale@cs.tcd.ie or 
cjmchale%cs.tcd.ie@cunyvm.cuny.edu), your mail (old-fashioned real
mail, no less) on your personal experiences and insights into 
InterViews was great!  It was just the information I needed
(you should consider posting it)!

Thanks again,

Chuck Noren
NET:     dinl!noren@ncar.ucar.edu
US-MAIL: Martin Marietta I&CS, MS XL8058, P.O. Box 1260,
         Denver, CO 80201-1260
Phone:   (303) 971-7930