[comp.lang.c++] Zortech C++ on Unix!?

yascsw@well.sf.ca.us (Andrew Doolittle) (09/06/90)

I heard that Zortech's C++ compiler is now available on Unix.  Can someone
tell me

1) Is this true?

2) Is it available for Interactive V2.2?

3) How does Zortech stack up compared to other compilers available on this
platform.  I never paid them much heed, figured they were just into DOS.

4) Any other recommendations?



	yasc software company
	woodside, ca	(415)366-9272
				(yet another software company - fyi)

joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) (09/07/90)

In article <20140@well.sf.ca.us>, yascsw@well.sf.ca.us (Andrew Doolittle) 
> I heard that Zortech's C++ compiler is now available on Unix.  Can someone
> tell me
> 1) Is this true?

No.  It's not available.  Yet.

> 2) Is it available for Interactive V2.2?

SCO UNIX will be first.

> 3) How does Zortech stack up compared to other compilers available on this
> platform.  I never paid them much heed, figured they were just into DOS.

When it's all ready to start shipping I'll do some 'real' benchmarks.  Right 
now let's just say I am pleased with the job Walter has done on the code

We are into DOS, OS/2, MS Windows, Rational Systems DOS extender, (all 
shipping), with SCO UNIX and Phar Lap 386 DOS extender announced as being 
available soon (yeah, I know -- vaporware...).

> 4) Any other recommendations?

Be patient.  It will be available soon.  I'm not at liberty to be more specific.

FAX: 208-263-8772

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (09/08/90)

In article <20140@well.sf.ca.us> yascsw@well.sf.ca.us (Andrew Doolittle) writes:
<I heard that Zortech's C++ compiler is now available on Unix.
<1) Is this true?

No, but we're working on it.

<2) Is it available for Interactive V2.2?

Initial support will be for SCO unix.

<3) How does Zortech stack up compared to other compilers available on this
<platform.  I never paid them much heed, figured they were just into DOS.

Zortech supports OS/2 also.

staff@cadlab.sublink.ORG (Alex Martelli) (09/09/90)

joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) writes:

	...about Zortech C++ on Unix...

>We are into DOS, OS/2, MS Windows, Rational Systems DOS extender, (all 
>shipping), with SCO UNIX and Phar Lap 386 DOS extender announced as being 
>available soon (yeah, I know -- vaporware...).

>> 4) Any other recommendations?

>Be patient.  It will be available soon.  I'm not at liberty to be more specific.

According to the Zortech ad in "Computer Language", August issue, page
57, bottom-right corner: "C++ at work - September 24, 1990. Zortech
will launch C++ for Unix 386 & DOS 386".  I was hoping to be able to
order an upgrade for my Dos ZTC in a matter of 2 weeks, but, pity!, I
have Interactive, not SCO... I *do* hope the Interactive one come soon!

Alex Martelli - CAD.LAB s.p.a., v. Stalingrado 45, Bologna, Italia
Email: (work:) staff@cadlab.sublink.org, (home:) alex@am.sublink.org
Phone: (work:) ++39 (51) 371099, (home:) ++39 (51) 250434; 
Fax: ++39 (51) 366964 (work only; any time of day or night).

feustel@well.sf.ca.us (David Alan Feustel) (09/09/90)

If Gehani's Concurrent C is a superset of C++, how about making it a
compiler option?
Phone:	 (work) 219-482-9631  MCI mail: DFEUSTEL  BIX: FEUSTEL 
E-mail:	feustel@well.sf.ca.us	{ucbvax,apple,hplabs,pacbell}!well!feustel	
USMAIL: Dave Feustel, 1930 Curdes Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46805-2710