[comp.lang.c++] discrete-event simulation in C++

zavgren@hpsrad.enet.dec.com (John Zavgren) (08/21/90)

I am about to write a discrete-event simulation of a communications
network. The object-oriented paradigm looks like it should save a lot
of programming time, but I have never programmed in an object-oriented
language, let alone C++. Can anyone furnish me with a few well-written
well-commented C++ programs that I can use to get started with this project?
I am especially interested in queueing network simulations.

John Zavgren  

ecsv38@castle.ed.ac.uk (S Manoharan) (08/21/90)

In article <2533@ryn.esg.dec.com> zavgren@hpsrad.enet.dec.com (John Zavgren) writes:
>I am about to write a discrete-event simulation of a communications
>network. The object-oriented paradigm looks like it should save a lot
>of programming time, but I have never programmed in an object-oriented
>language, let alone C++. Can anyone furnish me with a few well-written
>well-commented C++ programs that I can use to get started with this project?

I have this library of C++ classes for constructing event-based 
(event-driven) simulations. If you need it, give me a loud shout.

But, could someone tell me how event-based simulations compare
with process-based simulations with respect to:
   1. Ease of development
   2. Code updatability and maintainability
   3. Code size
   4. .....

Are event-based simulations stuffs of stone-age?


korsberg@abaa.uucp (Ed Korsberg) (08/22/90)

In article <5845@castle.ed.ac.uk> ecsv38@castle.ed.ac.uk (S Manoharan) writes:
>But, could someone tell me how event-based simulations compare
>with process-based simulations with respect to:
>   1. Ease of development
>   2. Code updatability and maintainability
>   3. Code size
>   4. .....
>Are event-based simulations stuffs of stone-age?

I think process based simulations are more appropriate for modeling 
multi-tasking computer systems.  It would also seem to be more 
"object oriented" than event based simulations in that an object can be
modeled independently of another object.

Event based simulations still have their place but I believe that process
based simulations have replaced it for most models.

Ed Korsberg             E-mail: korsberg@aa.ab.com
Allen Bradley           phone:  313-998-2470
555 Briarwood Circle
Ann Arbor, Mich 48104

korsberg@abaa.uucp (Ed Korsberg) (08/22/90)

In article <2533@ryn.esg.dec.com> zavgren@hpsrad.enet.dec.com (John Zavgren) writes:
>I am about to write a discrete-event simulation of a communications
>network. The object-oriented paradigm looks like it should save a lot
>of programming time, but I have never programmed in an object-oriented
>language, let alone C++. Can anyone furnish me with a few well-written
>well-commented C++ programs that I can use to get started with this project?
>I am especially interested in queueing network simulations.

I am interested in this too!  Have you taken a look at the CSIM program
available through MCC?  It's only $150 and runs on a variety of machines.
Also have you though about using Smalltalk for you simulation?  
I think that C++ is an attempt to mimic some of the concepts promoted in Smalltalk.  

Smalltalk already has simulation classes for doing discrete event simulation, 
although I do not know if it can do higher level process simulation.

Please let me know which route you take for your project, I need to do something
similar soon.

Ed Korsberg             E-mail: korsberg@aa.ab.com
Allen Bradley Inc.      phone:  313-998-2470
555 Briarwood Circle
Ann Arbor, Mich 48104

mip@IDA.LiU.SE (Mikael Patel) (08/23/90)

Discrete event simulation should be done in SIMULA, the grandfather of
object-oriented programming languages. What you need is classes and
COROUTINES to make life easy for you! C++ has only classes. Try looking
at DEMOS. Its a nice simulation package written in Simula-67 that is very
easy to use and generates all the statistics you need without you
having to implement random functions, histograms, etc. There is a text
book; G.M. Birtwistle, Discrete Event Modelling on Simula, Macmillan, 
1979, ISBN 0-333-23881-8. Simula compilers for most modern machines
(workstations, pc, macintosh, etc) are available.

Mikael R.K. Patel
Researcher and Lecturer
Computer Aided Design Laboratory (CADLAB)
Department of Computer and Information Science
Linkoping University, S-581 83  LINKOPING, SWEDEN

Phone: +46 13281821
Telex: 8155076 LIUIDA S			Telefax: +46 13142231
Internet: mip@ida.liu.se		UUCP: {uunet,mcsun,...}!liuida!mip

pawel@cs.UAlberta.CA (Pawel Gburzynski) (08/23/90)

From article <2533@ryn.esg.dec.com>, by zavgren@hpsrad.enet.dec.com (John Zavgren):
> I am about to write a discrete-event simulation of a communications
> network. The object-oriented paradigm looks like it should save a lot
> of programming time, but I have never programmed in an object-oriented
> language, let alone C++. Can anyone furnish me with a few well-written
> well-commented C++ programs that I can use to get started with this project?
> I am especially interested in queueing network simulations.
> John Zavgren  

	I am currently developing a package for modelling communication
networks in g++. The package is called SMURPH and descends from LANSF -- an
earlier version of the package written in plain C. For all practical
purposes SMURPH is ready, but still undocumented. I anticipate to have
a distributable version by the end of September. It is my intention to
distribute SMURPH for FREE. There may be some subtle problems, though, as
SMURPH will be used in my book on protocol design and Prentice Hall may
have some objections. Anyway, I believe that individual cases can be handled
without problems.

	In some sense SMURPH is both event-driven and process-driven. The
user sees only the process driven part. If anybody is interested, I can provide
some related papers (including examples of networks and protocols programmed in
SMURPH). Moreover, LANSF (the SMURPH's predecessor) is available without
restrictions and, of course, it is absolutely free. You can copy it
using anonymous ftp from menaik.cs.ualberta.ca (pub/lansf.2.11.tar.Z).
It comes with a (somewhat lengthy) manual that must be processed by

				Pawel Gburzynski
				Department of Computing Science
				University of Alberta
				615 GSB
				Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
				T6G 2H1

jwa@lanl.gov (Wayne Anderson) (08/23/90)

Process oriented simulation seems to me to provide a somewhat more natural
way of writing simulations.  However, there also seems to be an efficiency
trade off (as compared to discrete-event simulation).

Herb Schwetman, the author of CSIM, also has a "C++" version but I'm not
sure if he is distributing it as yet.

Another simulator coming down the pike is XSIM being developed by Bob Jump
at Rice.  XSIM is based on, and written in, C++.  It actually is a family
of simulators: ESIM, a discrete-event simulator; PSIM, a process oriented
simulator; and ASIM a parallel computer simulator.  Bob gave me a rough
draft of his user manual and I've been quite impressed.  It looks to me like
they've done a very thorough job.


bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup) (08/23/90)

 > From: korsberg@abaa.uucp (Ed Korsberg @ Allen Bradley)
 > In article <2533@ryn.esg.dec.com> zavgren@hpsrad.enet.dec.com (John Zavgren) writes:
 > >I am about to write a discrete-event simulation of a communications
 > >network. The object-oriented paradigm looks like it should save a lot
 > >of programming time, but I have never programmed in an object-oriented
 > >language, let alone C++. Can anyone furnish me with a few well-written
 > >well-commented C++ programs that I can use to get started with this project?
 > >I am especially interested in queueing network simulations.

 > I am interested in this too!  Have you taken a look at the CSIM program
 > available through MCC?  It's only $150 and runs on a variety of machines.
 > Also have you though about using Smalltalk for you simulation?  
 > I think that C++ is an attempt to mimic some of the concepts promoted in Smalltalk.  

C++ wasn't `an attempt to mimic some of the concepts promoted in Smalltalk.'
It is the result of blending the Simula class concept into C in such a
way that C's low-level efficiency and general abilities and a system's
programming language wasn't impared.

The first use of C++ was for Simula-like simulations (what is called
process level simulation) with thousands of processes. The task
library that comes with the AT&T distribution supports such work
in a way rather similar to what is provided in Simula.

kjetil@ifi.uio.no (Holm-Kjetil Holmsen) (08/23/90)

In article <5606@abaa.UUCP>, korsberg@abaa.uucp (Ed Korsberg) writes:
> Also have you though about using Smalltalk for you simulation?  
> I think that C++ is an attempt to mimic some of the concepts promoted in
> Smalltalk.  
Not quite right!  C++ _originally_ was an attempt to mimic the _simulation_
part of SIMULA-67.  

> Smalltalk already has simulation classes for doing discrete event
> simulation, although I do not know if it can do higher level process
> simulation.

The funny part of this is that the Smalltalk simulation classes are (at 
least was) based on the SIMULA-67 simulation concept.  Actually, the 
idea of Smalltalk was born when Allan Key learned about SIMULA doing his 
Ph.D. thesis.  The chapter on simulation in the "Smalltalk books" is more
or less a copy of the chapter on "class simulation" in the book
"SIMULA BEGIN" by O-J Dahl et. al.  The "carwash" example is a _direct_

Simula originated in the beginning of the '60s, as an Algol based
language for descrete event simulation.  This language was refined,
and emerged as a superset of Algol-60 in 1967: a block-structured
laguage with the class concept (with inheritance and virtuals)

Holm-Kjetil Holmsen, C.Sc student		email: kjetil@ifi.uio.no
Dept. of Informatics
University of Oslo

korsberg@abaa.uucp (Ed Korsberg) (08/23/90)

In article <60862@lanl.gov> jwa@lanl.gov (Wayne Anderson) writes:
>Another simulator coming down the pike is XSIM being developed by Bob Jump
>at Rice.  XSIM is based on, and written in, C++.  It actually is a family
>of simulators: ESIM, a discrete-event simulator; PSIM, a process oriented
>simulator; and ASIM a parallel computer simulator.  Bob gave me a rough
>draft of his user manual and I've been quite impressed.  It looks to me like
>they've done a very thorough job.

I think this news group and/or the comp.simulation group would be very
interested in this new package.  Would Bob Jump be willing to post it
to the net or e-mail it to interested parties (like myself)?

Ed Korsberg             E-mail: korsberg@aa.ab.com
Allen Bradley Inc.      phone:  313-998-2470
555 Briarwood Circle
Ann Arbor, Mich 48104

gordon@mead.UUCP (Gordon Edwards) (08/23/90)

To the person who originally started this thread.

In article <1990Aug22.171319.12499@ida.liu.se>, mip@IDA.LiU.SE (Mikael
Patel) writes:
|> Discrete event simulation should be done in SIMULA, the grandfather of
|> object-oriented programming languages. What you need is classes and
|> COROUTINES to make life easy for you! C++ has only classes. Try looking
|> at DEMOS. Its a nice simulation package written in Simula-67 that is very
|> easy to use and generates all the statistics you need without you
|> having to implement random functions, histograms, etc. There is a text
|> book; G.M. Birtwistle, Discrete Event Modelling on Simula, Macmillan, 
|> 1979, ISBN 0-333-23881-8. Simula compilers for most modern machines
|> (workstations, pc, macintosh, etc) are available.

First, remember that there is three (at least) different flavors of the 
discrete-event simulation.  You do not need coroutines if you are using the 
event-scheduling or activity-scanning paradigms.  AT&T provides a task library 
that will allow you to perform the necessary tasking operations for the 
process-interaction paradigm.

I have used C++ for event-scheduling simulations, and have found it to be
quite flexible.  Process-interaction simulations are currently very popular,
however, they allow the introduction of artifactual deadlock.  Depending on 
your level of experience with discrete-event simulations, you might want to
stick to the event-scheduling paradigm (concentrates on the events).

Gordon Edwards                                    Mead Data Central, Dayton OH

vaughan@mcc.com (Paul Vaughan) (08/23/90)

	Discrete event simulation should be done in SIMULA, the grandfather of
	object-oriented programming languages. What you need is classes and
	COROUTINES to make life easy for you! C++ has only classes. Try looking
	at DEMOS. Its a nice simulation package written in Simula-67 that is very
	easy to use and generates all the statistics you need without you
	having to implement random functions, histograms, etc. There is a text
	book; G.M. Birtwistle, Discrete Event Modelling on Simula, Macmillan, 
	1979, ISBN 0-333-23881-8. Simula compilers for most modern machines
	(workstations, pc, macintosh, etc) are available.

Not to knock SIMULA, but you can get all these things and more in C++.
For instance, ATT distributes its tasking library (coroutines) and
there should be a tasking package in libg++ soon.  Libg++ has a choice
of random stream generators and about every distribution you could
need.  It also has classes for recording statistics, histograms, etc.
You can get plotters (notably Dag Bruck's plotter in the InterViews
contrib library) and all sorts of useful classes in the public domain
or in libraries.  I'm not sure what SIMULA does in the way of dynamic
type checking, but you can use the NIHL stuff to accomplish that in

So, there certainly is a choice these days.

 Paul Vaughan, MCC CAD Program | ARPA: vaughan@mcc.com | Phone: [512] 338-3639
 Box 200195, Austin, TX 78720  | UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!vaughan

rjfrey@kepler.com (Robert J Frey) (08/23/90)

In article <60862@lanl.gov> jwa@lanl.gov (Wayne Anderson) writes:
>Process oriented simulation seems to me to provide a somewhat more natural
>way of writing simulations.  However, there also seems to be an efficiency
>trade off (as compared to discrete-event simulation).

I'm aware that many people feel that way, of course, but for me whether I use
a discrete-event or process-oriented approach depends very much on the
problem at hand. For simulations of any size or complexity I find it most
convenient to move back and forth between representations, which is why I
prefer languages such as SIMSCRIPT or SLAM. 

I also believe very strongly that any serious simulation facility has to pro-
vide for both approaches.

A big problem with process-oriented approaches is extensibility; often I am
forced into an event-oriented representation because the process-oriented one
can't quite handle what I want. Because I often choose an event-oriented
representation, I want it available, but I want it to be my choice.
This is something OO techniques can go a long way towards solving.
Dr. Robert J Frey, Kepler Financial Management, Ltd.
rjfrey@kepler.com *or* frey@chaos.sunysb.edu
voice: (516) 689-6300 * fax: (516) 751-8678

davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) (08/24/90)

In article <60862@lanl.gov> jwa@lanl.gov (Wayne Anderson) writes:

   Process oriented simulation seems to me to provide a somewhat more natural
   way of writing simulations.  However, there also seems to be an efficiency
   trade off (as compared to discrete-event simulation).

Could someone please explain (briefly) what process oriented simulation is and
contrast it to event oriented simulation?  Something tells me I'll probably
get it as soon as someone starts explaining it, but, right now, its meaning
escapes me.

David Masterson					Consilium, Inc.
uunet!cimshop!davidm				Mtn. View, CA  94043
"If someone thinks they know what I said, then I didn't say it!"

grunwald@foobar.colorado.edu (Dirk Grunwald) (08/24/90)

The ``awesime-2.0'' library implements threads and a one subclass
implements a SimulationMultiplexor for threads that provides a typical
process-oriented simulation environment. The awesime threads will
eventually be integrated into libg++ (doub, stop me if I lie). It
current works on i386, m68k, ns32k, MIPS, SPARC and m88k. True
parallelism is only current available on the Encore Multimax; it
should be simple to hack for the solbourne (sparc) or sequenet (i386),
but i haven't done it yet.

I'm planning on finding a student to hack a discrete event simulation
environment using this threads package, allowing people to implement
distributed simulation environments as well as simpler global time

IMHO, DES packages are more efficient than process oriented systems
(POS), but can be more of a pain to set up if they don't match your
model very well. They're more eff. because you don't need to switch
thread context all the time. You can implement it to maintain context
using e..g, one or two words in an object. Thus, you could get decent
performance out of e.g., a SPARC, which is very hard for POS because
of all the register window overhead.

For a ``proper'' DES, you'd only have one thread per physical CPU, and
use those to execute the DES objects. 

Dirk Grunwald -- Univ. of Colorado at Boulder	(grunwald@foobar.colorado.edu)

gordon@mead.UUCP (Gordon Edwards) (08/24/90)

In article <CIMSHOP!DAVIDM.90Aug23104145@uunet.UU.NET>,
cimshop!davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) writes:
|> In article <60862@lanl.gov> jwa@lanl.gov (Wayne Anderson) writes:
|>    Process oriented simulation seems to me to provide a somewhat more
|>    way of writing simulations.  However, there also seems to be an
|>    trade off (as compared to discrete-event simulation).
|> Could someone please explain (briefly) what process oriented
simulation is and
|> contrast it to event oriented simulation?  Something tells me I'll probably
|> get it as soon as someone starts explaining it, but, right now, its meaning
|> escapes me.

The process oriented, or process-interaction, simulation is a discrete-event
simulation.  There are four gross categories of simulations:


The term discrete-event simulations normaly refers to the discrete-event/
continuous-time category.  This category can be further calssified into:

	Event-Scheduling Simulations
	Activity-Scanning Simulations
	Process-Interaction Simulations

The event-scheduling simulations concentrate on the events that occur,
scanning simulations concentrate on the set of states required for an event to
occur (often implemented using a big state table), and process-interaction
simulations concentrate on the entities/objects as they are acted upon by 
events.  Each type has its advantages and disadvantages.  Process-interaction
simulations have a great deal of popularity (I tend to agree with Wayne
on their
virtues), however, if you are not experienced developing simulations or you
don't have a good understanding of concurrent processing they can be dangerous.
Process-interaction simulations can introduce "artifactual deadlock".  This is
a type of deadlock that occurs due to the implementation of the simulation.
For example, in a harbor simulation tankers wait outside the harbor for a tug
to take them to the (1) berth, they then unload and wait for the tug to take
them back to sea.

Now from a process viewpoint (highly simplified):

[1] Tanker_1 comes into port.
[2] Tanker_1 acquires tug.
[3] Tanker_1 acquires berth.
[4] Tanker_1 releases tug and begins to unload.
[5] Tanker_2 arrives and acquires the tug.
[6] Tanker_2 tries to acquire the berth and is locked.
[7] Tanker_1 finishes unloading and tries to acquire the tug (to free
the berth)    and is locked.

Now there are a number of things you can do to solve this problem (use a petri
net for ideas) but the point is that this is not a real-life problem but a 
problem imposed by the model.  Since process-interaction simulations are 
literaly multi-tasking, the deadlock is very real.

Gordon Edwards                                    Mead Data Central, Dayton OH

sam@cs.ed.ac.uk (S. Manoharan) (08/24/90)

In article <5845@castle.ed.ac.uk> ecsv38@castle.ed.ac.uk (S Manoharan) I wrote:
>But, could someone tell me how event-based simulations compare
>with process-based simulations with respect to:
>   1. Ease of development
>   2. Code updatability and maintainability
>   3. Code size
>   4. .....

I just found a reference which suggests the better-ness of process-based
simulations over others:
   author = "Graham Birtwistle and Greg Lomow and Brian Unger and Paul Lucker",
   year =	"May 1985",
   journal =	"Trans. of the society for computer simulation",
   number =	"1",
   pages =	"27-56",
   title =	"Process Style Packages for Discrete Event Modelling: Experience from the transaction, activity and event approaches",
   volume =	"2"

In case someone's interested.


Ps - Those who wanted the class library, please hold on for a few days.
I will mail it soon.

S. Manoharan               Janet: sam@uk.ac.ed.lfcs
Dept of Computer Science   Uucp : ..!mcsun!ukc!edcastle!lfcs!sam 
University of Edinburgh    Arpa : sam%lfcs.ed.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Edinburgh EH9 3JZ    UK.   Voice: 667 8323(home) 667 1081x2708(office) 

vaughan@mcc.com (Paul Vaughan) (08/25/90)

	Could someone please explain (briefly) what process oriented simulation is and
	contrast it to event oriented simulation?  Something tells me I'll probably
	get it as soon as someone starts explaining it, but, right now, its meaning
	escapes me.

Briefly, process base simulation allows simulation time to pass during
the execution of a user-written function expressing simulation
behavior.  Functions such as wait(time), waitforevent(Event), etc.,
are provided in a library.  That's why you need process switching
capability to keep the context of several execution environments that
are all at least conceptually concurrently executing.  In a purely
event based system all behavior functions are executed in zero
simulation time.  Events may be posted to cause things to happen at
future times.  All process based systems are essentially constructed
out of event scheduling systems (it's all discrete event simulation,
after all).  Most process based libraries support the use of explicit
events in addition to wait constructs.

 Paul Vaughan, MCC CAD Program | ARPA: vaughan@mcc.com | Phone: [512] 338-3639
 Box 200195, Austin, TX 78720  | UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!vaughan

hansen@pegasus.ATT.COM (Tony L. Hansen) (08/26/90)

< From: bs@alice.UUCP (Bjarne Stroustrup)
< The first use of C++ was for Simula-like simulations (what is called
< process level simulation) with thousands of processes. The task library
< that comes with the AT&T distribution supports such work in a way rather
< similar to what is provided in Simula.

Another implementation of a task library, called class process, is available
as a part of The C++ Answer Book. The code is written completely in C++ and
is portable to most machines. (Some restrictions do apply.) The code itself
is available from netlib@research.att.com. (Send a message with the contents
"send index from c++/answerbook" to that address for further information.)

					Tony Hansen
				att!pegasus!hansen, attmail!tony

feustel@well.sf.ca.us (David Alan Feustel) (08/27/90)

What is the relationship between C++ and Concurrent C? If Concurrent C
is a superset of C++ is there any company making the product available
for pcs?
Phone:	 (work) 219-482-9631; MCI mail: DFEUSTEL
E-mail:	feustel@well.sf.ca.us	{ucbvax,apple,hplabs,pacbell}!well!feustel	
USMAIL: Dave Feustel, 1930 Curdes Ave, Fort Wayne, IN 46805-2710

rjfrey@kepler.com (Robert J Frey) (08/27/90)

In article <CIMSHOP!DAVIDM.90Aug23104145@uunet.UU.NET> cimshop!davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) writes:
>Could someone please explain (briefly) what process oriented simulation is and
>contrast it to event oriented simulation?

In discrete event simulation the the system is represented by a collection of
states and a set of events which describe state changes. In process oriented
simulations the simulation is defined by a collection of processes: that is
the sequence of events that an entity experiences as it goes through the sys-
tem. In languages which support both paradigms the process-oriented part of
the model is "interpeted" or "compiled" internally as event-oriented.

Rather than go into more detail here, I recommend you check an introductory
text on simulation. E.g., Averill Law has a pretty good text available. Sorry,
I don't have the title with me. George Fishman's Principles of Discrete Event
Simulation is also good.
Dr. Robert J Frey, Kepler Financial Management, Ltd.
rjfrey@kepler.com *or* frey@chaos.sunysb.edu
voice: (516) 689-6300 * fax: (516) 751-8678

jxf@procyon.cis.ksu.edu (Jerry Frain) (08/28/90)

In article <20036@well.sf.ca.us> feustel@well.sf.ca.us (David Alan Feustel) writes:
>What is the relationship between C++ and Concurrent C? If Concurrent C
>is a superset of C++ is there any company making the product available
>for pcs?

Wow, ever since this thread started up, I've been wondering if anyone was
ever going to mention Concurrent C.

The answer to your question is "no," Concurrent C is not a superset of C++.
However, it bears a striking resemblence to C++ in that the process
delcaration, creation, and invocations of transactions are similiar to 
methods and data of classes.

However, there is a Concurrent C++ under development at Bell Labs
(see the paper "Concurrent C++: Concurrent Programming With Class(es)"
written by N.H. Gehani and W.D. Roome for more info).  I am very excited
at the prospects of the merging of these two languages, which have much
in common, and yet much to share with each other.

As far as discrete event simulation goes, it is my personal opinion
(after using both C++ and Concurrent C) that Concurrent C is better
suited for the job.

Jerry Frain -- Perpetual Student		Kansas State University
                                 	Department of Computing & Info Sciences
Internet : jxf@ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu                Manhattan, Kansas
UUCP     : ...!{rutgers,textbell}!ksuvax1!jxf

muyanja@hpdmd48.boi.hp.com (bill muyanja) (09/09/90)

[Dr. Robert Frey writes]
|Rather than go into more detail here, I recommend you check an introductory
|text on simulation. E.g., Averill Law has a pretty good text available. Sorry,
I don't have the title with me. George Fishman's Principles of Discrete Event
|Simulation is also good.

The book is:

Law, Averill M. and Kelton, W. David:
_Simulation Modeling and Analysis_
McGraw-Hill, 1982.

The second edition may be out by now - I had the misfortune of being one of
the poor graduate students who beta-tested it in 1987!            

Professor Law's book is an excellent treatment of  discrete-event simulation,
especially the stastistical aspects and output analysis.  

S. Manoharan has posted a discrete-event simulation platform, SILO, in
comp.sources.unix.  It is written in C++, and it is based on the concepts
in M.H. MacDougall's "Simulating Computer Systems" (MIT Press, 1987).

MacDougall's book itself is based on a lot of the concepts in Law and Kelton
and includes a simulation system, "smpl", written in C, source code and all.
It also contain fairly sophisticated examples of a multiprocessing computer
simulation and an Ethernet LAN simulation, which is what the original poster
may have been looking for.



muyanja@hpdmd48.boi.hp.com (bill muyanja) (09/09/90)

[Bill Muyanja writes]
|S. Manoharan has posted a discrete-event simulation platform, SILO, in
|comp.sources.unix.  It is written in C++, and it is based on the concepts
|in M.H. MacDougall's "Simulating Computer Systems" (MIT Press, 1987).

SILO is actually in archive.comp.sources.misc.

