[comp.lang.c++] Zortech bug #24 - member access in static member function

kaiser@ananke.stgt.sub.org (Andreas Kaiser) (09/09/90)

#if 0

The following example should print an error message, because
the non-static member <i> should not be accessible within the
static member function <f>. Instead I got bad code (in this
example) or an invalid fixup record (in a larger program).

Compiled with ZTC++ 2.12:
        ztc -c err_24.cpp

#endif /*---------------------------------------------------------*/

struct S {
        int i;
        static void f();

void S::f() { i = 0; }

main() { }

#if 0 /*----------------------------------------------------------*/

        public  _f__1SNv,_main
        extrn   _S                      <--------
                mov     _S,0            <--------


                Gruss, Andreas

:::::::::::::::::::: Smart: kaiser@ananke.stgt.sub.org
:: Andreas Kaiser :: Bang:  ...!smurf.sub.org!nadia!ananke!kaiser
:::::::::::::::::::: Fido:  2:507/18.7206 & 2:509/5.2512

joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) (09/10/90)

In article <17.26EA603B@ananke.stgt.sub.org>, kaiser@ananke.stgt.sub.org 
(Andreas Kaiser) writes:

[...Bug report for Zortech C++ compiler...]

You may mail your bug reports to the engineers, tech support, and tech
writers by sending them to 'zortech-bugs@proto.com' or 
'uunet!proto!zortech-bugs'.  Posting them on the net is probably 
inappropriate most of the time.

Thanks for taking the time to report it though.  I have sent it on to the
appropriate people.

FAX: 208-263-8772

daniel@terra.ucsc.edu (Daniel Edelson) (09/11/90)

In article <1430@proto.COM> joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) writes:
>In article <17.26EA603B@ananke.stgt.sub.org>, kaiser@ananke.stgt.sub.org 
>(Andreas Kaiser) writes:
>[...Bug report for Zortech C++ compiler...]
>You may mail your bug reports to...

>....                       Posting them on the net is probably 
>inappropriate most of the time.

I disagree. We in the community benefit from this information,
until of course it becomes tedious or redundant. You probably just
would rather not have your bugs reported widely in the expectation
that this will present a negative image. But if bugs in all the
products are reported, then no vendor is treated unfairly. And
this benefits the group of compiler users, and encourages
compiler vendors to eliminate important bugs before they set out
to implement esoteric features.

Several times people have posted bugs that pointed out either
problems in their coding or in the compiler, such as the malloc
discussion of the past week or two. This is worthwhile.

A huge number of bugs in Cfront 2.0, as well as several g++ bugs
have been posted by Ron Guilamette. We have also heard about some
bugs in Zortech and Borland's products, though not as many because
the external testing of those products has not been (I believe) 
performed by rfg. The companies with C++ validation tests are
understandably reluctant to post their results.

Such comments may highlight aspects of the language that are
particularly difficult to implement, as if Bjarne would
propose anything hard to implement ;+).

Daniel Edelson
daniel@cis.ucsc.edu, or

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (09/11/90)

In article <6744@darkstar.ucsc.edu> daniel@cis.ucsc.edu (Daniel Edelson) writes:
<In article <1430@proto.COM> joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) writes:
<<In article <17.26EA603B@ananke.stgt.sub.org>, kaiser@ananke.stgt.sub.org 
<<[...Bug report for Zortech C++ compiler...]
<<You may mail your bug reports to...
<<....                       Posting them on the net is probably 
<<inappropriate most of the time.
<I disagree. We in the community benefit from this information,
<until of course it becomes tedious or redundant.

Actually, the trouble is that we (Zortech) don't always get the bug
reports if they are posted to various networks. For instance, we don't
know about the other 23. I know Andreas posted some of them to Fido,
but my Fido connection is flaky and I didn't get even a quarter of them.
People should at least
email a copy of it directly to us, so we can be sure and get
the problems resolved.

There is a mailing list for Zortech bug reports, and people interested
in them can subscribe, rather than boring everyone on the net about it.