[comp.lang.c++] Compiler bug reporting

joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) (09/11/90)

In article <1520@lupine.NCD.COM>, rfg@NCD.COM (Ron Guilmette) writes:

> One thing is certain.  Expecting C++ vendors to come clean and publically
> admit the true number and severity of bugs in their own products is kinda
> like expecting the fox to guard the chicken coop.

Most of what I want to say about this posting was said in private.  However
a couple things I will go public with.

Zortech has nothing to hide.  If you want to see our bug reports subscribe
to the Zortech mailing list.  I will post the new bugs reported to 
'zortech-bugs@proto.com' to the list once a month.  That will prevent my
real concern, wasteing net bandwidth with issues that most people probably
aren't interested in and can get in a more direct manner elsewhere.

I challenge our competitors to do the same. 

Bug reports will be posted on the 15th.  Subscribe now if you want to see it.

> If seeing bug reports for your products posted to the net bothers you, I
> believe that there is a simple solution.  It's called testing.

Ron knows better.  Complete testing of a program with as many possible
inputs and outputs as a compiler has no practical "simple solution". 

Zortech mailing list: send email to 'ztc-list-request@uunet' with:
Add: your-user-name@your-machine-name
In the body of the message.
Send Zortech bug reports to 'zortech-bugs@proto.com'
Zortech is my major source of income.  Statements about them or their 
competitors cannot be totally without bias.  
FAX: 208-263-8772