[comp.lang.c++] best extension for C++ files

jeh@cs.rit.edu (Jim Heliotis) (09/05/90)

From article <907@zinn.MV.COM>, by mjv@objects.mv.com (Michael J. Vilot):
> Actually, the problem is not with source files, but with _header_ files.
> It will be extremely awkward to share libraries if one vendor uses .h, 
> another uses .hxx and another uses .hpp.
I have always used ".H", to go along with ".C".  I have never thought of
a reason why this would be bad.

				Jim Heliotis
				Rochester Institute of Technology
				Rochester, NY 14623-0887

poffen@sj.ate.slb.com (Russ Poffenberger) (09/06/90)

In article <1845@cs.rit.edu> jeh@cs.rit.edu writes:
>From article <907@zinn.MV.COM>, by mjv@objects.mv.com (Michael J. Vilot):
>> Actually, the problem is not with source files, but with _header_ files.
>> It will be extremely awkward to share libraries if one vendor uses .h, 
>> another uses .hxx and another uses .hpp.
>I have always used ".H", to go along with ".C".  I have never thought of
>a reason why this would be bad.

Ar you saying 'H' as in upper case, as opposed to 'h' in lower case? The
problem with this is that some OS's are not case sensitive. Certainly DOS isn't
so 'H' and 'h' mean the same thing as far as a file name goes. UNIX is case
sensitive, but certainly isn't the only platform for doing C++ development.

Russ Poffenberger               DOMAIN: poffen@sj.ate.slb.com
Schlumberger Technologies       UUCP:   {uunet,decwrl,amdahl}!sjsca4!poffen
1601 Technology Drive		CIS:	72401,276
San Jose, Ca. 95110             (408)437-5254

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (09/06/90)

In article <1845@cs.rit.edu> jeh@cs.rit.edu writes:
<I have always used ".H", to go along with ".C".  I have never thought of
<a reason why this would be bad.

On operating systems that are case-insensitive about filenames, ".C" and
".H" are indistinguishable from ".c" and ".h".

skp@stl.stc.co.uk (Steve Perryman ) (09/07/90)

Im my department we use the following :

.ch = C++ header files
      (including non Class declarations such as extern "C")
.cc = C++ definition files
      (Class and function definitions)

This is in keeping with the standard C .h and .c convention, and historically
because we use Objective-C and our suffix for Objective-C header files is .oh .
This gives all "C type" files a "consistent name/feel".

Steven Perryman

rdg@virtech.uucp (Roger D. Gough) (09/08/90)

Maybe this would simply add to the confusion, but why not just use '.c'
and '.h', and let whoever needs to know look in the makefile (or equivalent)
to see how CC is defined, etc.

Besides, in another 5 years, nobody'll be using standard C anyway. :-)
Roger D. Gough                                                  +1 703 689 1692
Sequel Technologies                                           uunet!virtech!rdg

sarima@tdatirv.UUCP (Stanley Friesen) (09/10/90)

In article <1990Sep08.094000.10269@virtech.uucp> rdg@virtech.uucp (Roger D. Gough) writes:
>Maybe this would simply add to the confusion, but why not just use '.c'
>and '.h', and let whoever needs to know look in the makefile (or equivalent)
>to see how CC is defined, etc.

The big problem with this is when one needs to *mix* C and C++ sources in a
single project (as, for instance, in converting from C to C++ on an existing
product).  In this case the *single* makefile needs to be able to tell for
each source file whether it is C or C++ to call the right compiler.
(And due to differences in the semantics of prototypes, the correct compiler
must be called)
uunet!tdatirv!sarima					(Stanley Friesen)

jac@sundance.llnl.gov (James Crotinger) (09/11/90)

The problem is that a program might be composed of both C and C++ code
and so it may be important for the compiler to distinguish between
rules for .c->.o and .cp->.o (.cp or .cc being my favorite choices
for C++ extensions). 

I don't see a problem with retaining .h for C++ header files, aside
from name conflicts (String.h and ANSI string.h, for example), but
the latter isn't a C++ specific problem. As long as the C++ and C
compilers look in the proper places for the C++ and C system include 
files, having both use .h shouldn't be a problem (and hasn't on 
either my Sun or my Amiga). 


James A. Crotinger   Lawrence Livermore Nat'l Lab // The above views 
jac@gandalf.llnl.gov P.O. Box 808;  L-630     \\ // are mine and are not 
(415) 422-0259       Livermore CA  94550       \\/ necessarily those of LLNL.

allen@carob.ssc.gov (Mike Allen) (09/11/90)

We follow the Free Software Foundation's recommendations and use .h
for header files and .cc for c++ programs.  It is easy enough to make
.h files work for both C and C++, wrapping them C++ specific stuff in
#ifdef __cplusplus ... #endif.
			Michael E. Allen

			SSC Laboratory MS-1046
			2550 Beckleymeade Ave.
			Dallas, Texas 75237

		allen@sscvx1.ssc.gov	(Internet)
		allen@sscvx1		(Bitnet)
		SSCVX1::ALLEN		(DecNet)

But those who toiled knew nothing of the dreams of
	Those Who Planned;
And the minds who planned the Tower of Babel
	Cared nothing for the workers who built it.

steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) (09/11/90)

sarima@tdatirv.UUCP (Stanley Friesen) writes:

>In article <1990Sep08.094000.10269@virtech.uucp> rdg@virtech.uucp (Roger D. Gough) writes:
>>Maybe this would simply add to the confusion, but why not just use '.c'
>>and '.h', and let whoever needs to know look in the makefile (or equivalent)
>>to see how CC is defined, etc.

>The big problem with this is when one needs to *mix* C and C++ sources in a
>single project (as, for instance, in converting from C to C++ on an existing
>product).  In this case the *single* makefile needs to be able to tell for
>each source file whether it is C or C++ to call the right compiler.

If you include a build line for each file (or for each file of either C
or C++ at minimum), it doesn't matter that the file endings are the same.
This is not as onerous as it sounds, since I find for projects of any
size, the set of header-file dependencies for different source files
is different, and thus requires at least a dependency line for most

The nice thing about text editors is that it is simple to add the lines
to the make file -- and in any event, you only have to do it once!

Steve Clamage, TauMetric Corp, steve@taumet.com

noren@dinl.uucp (Charles Noren) (09/12/90)

In article <451@taumet.com> steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) writes:

  ...some stuff from another person about including general suffix rules
  to build .o files out C and C++ files.

>If you include a build line for each file (or for each file of either C
>or C++ at minimum), it doesn't matter that the file endings are the same.

That is probably the best way in terms of making self-documenting
build environments, but I'm wierd (if you haven't guessed already :-)).
I've got a general makefile that looks at source in a directory and the
directory name to determine what to build and how to build it.  What to
build is determined by directory suffix name (e.g., ".edir" for 
executable, ".ldir" for library, ".odir" for object-module, etc), and
the componant to build from is determined from all the source files 
with known suffixes in the directory (information is also passed 
from the makefile in the higher level directory on libraries and 
include directories).  In other words, I've got a makefile that knows
how to build anything that follows my twisted conventions (I'm lazy,
I hate to edit makefiles, and of course this doesn't work on MS-DOS).
For me, standardized extensions for C++ files would be nice.
Right now I have the minor inconvenience of having the several
C++ suffixes in my makefile suffix list and duplicate the "make object
from a C++ file" rule for each suffix.

Chuck Noren
NET:     dinl!noren@ncar.ucar.edu
US-MAIL: Martin Marietta I&CS, MS XL8058, P.O. Box 1260,
         Denver, CO 80201-1260
Phone:   (303) 971-7930

zmls04@trc.amoco.com (Martin L. Smith) (09/12/90)

In article <451@taumet.com> steve@taumet.com (Stephen Clamage) writes:

   If you include a build line for each file (or for each file of either C
   or C++ at minimum), it doesn't matter that the file endings are the same.
   This is not as onerous as it sounds, since I find for projects of any
   size, the set of header-file dependencies for different source files
   is different, and thus requires at least a dependency line for most

We use an automatic include-file dependency generator (stolen, I
think, from cake) to scan C source and build a set of dependency-lines
which are <include>d in the makefile.  This scheme has the nice
feature that (except we've sort-of broken the generator) it finds
dependencies on system-wide *.h files as well as local ones.  The
latter dependencies become important if non-local *.h files <<ever>>

Anyhow, I want to vote against language-independent suffices.  The price
is the loss of (to me) too many useful aids (compiler selection, all of
the above jazz about include files, etc) which save me from
	1	lots of typing about how to compile whom depending on what
	2	manually generated makefile text that too easily becomes
		obsolete and requires maintenance.


   Martin L. Smith             Amoco Research Center
                               P.O. Box 3385
 zmls04@trc.amoco.com          Tulsa, OK 74102
[zmls04@sc.msc.umn.edu]        918-660-4065

adamsf@turing.cs.rpi.edu (Frank Adams) (09/12/90)

In article <67782@lll-winken.LLNL.GOV> jac@sundance.llnl.gov (James Crotinger) writes:
>I don't see a problem with retaining .h for C++ header files ...

I do.  I set parameters in my text editor differently for C and C++ files --
in particular, // is a comment token in C++ files but not in C files.  So I
want a different file type for C and C++ header files.

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (09/13/90)

In article <ALLEN.90Sep11095555@carob.ssc.gov> allen@sscvx1.ssc.gov writes:
<We follow the Free Software Foundation's recommendations and use .h
<for header files and .cc for c++ programs.  It is easy enough to make
<.h files work for both C and C++, wrapping them C++ specific stuff in
<#ifdef __cplusplus ... #endif.

I don't see how complex.h or streamio.h could be made to work for a C program
  :-) :-)