[comp.lang.c++] Looking for C++/Motif Interface Builder

ebm@corvair.almaden.ibm.com (Eli Messinger) (09/13/90)

Does anyone know of a user interface builder application that makes use
of Motif and C++?  We've seen a few that use Motif and C, but have no
way to make real callbacks from the C-language user interface code into
the underlying C++ application code.

Any pointers appreciated.  Please Email.
	"I don't mind popcorn, or roller-rinks or clotheslines so much.
	 It's Cinemascope that drags me."                  --Rod McKuen
      CSNET: ebm@ibm.com / UUCP: ..!uunet!ibmarc!ebm / BITNET: ebm@almaden

fkuhl@mitre.org (F. S. Kuhl) (09/13/90)

In article <178@rufus.UUCP> ebm@corvair.almaden.ibm.com (Eli Messinger) writes:
>Does anyone know of a user interface builder application that makes use
>of Motif and C++?  We've seen a few that use Motif and C, but have no
>way to make real callbacks from the C-language user interface code into
>the underlying C++ application code.

I'm perhaps a little less ambitious:  Does anyone have bindings or
wrappers to use OSF/Motif widgets with C++?  Mr. Messinger, I'd appreciate
hearing about any responses you get.

Please e-mail to fkuhl@mitre.org.

Frederick Kuhl			fkuhl@mitre.org
Civil Systems Division
The MITRE Corporation