[comp.lang.c++] C++ front end

lwb@pensoft.UUCP (Lance Bledsoe) (09/17/90)

Can sombody please tell me what C++ 2.0 compatible front ends (eg non-
compilers) are generally available (free or otherwise) for UNIX.

Are these front ends written in C themselves so that they can be moved
to many different UNIX platforms?

We develop software for many differnet UNIX platforms, and we would like
a standard C++ enviornment without waiting for new C++ compilers to arrive.

Thanks in advance,
Lance Bledsoe

Lance Bledsoe                       Off:    (512) 343-1111                 
Pencom Software, Inc.               Fax     (512) 343-9650                 
8716 North MoPac #200               UUCP:   cs.utexas.edu!pensoft!lwb      
Austin, Texas  78759                UUNET:  uunet!uudell!pensoft!lwb