[comp.lang.c++] C++ CROSS 68K COMPILER/TOOLS

chen@beowulf.ucsd.edu (James Chen) (09/21/90)

> From: ulloa@litsun.epfl.ch (Gonzalo Ulloa)
> Subject: SPARC cross C++ compiler for 680XX targets...?
> .
> .
> We search a good C++ compiler in SPARC for cross development for 
> 680XX targets.  Somebody knows one..?

You might have interest in the following.

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Microtec Research, Inc. is looking for good beta test sites for its
C++ cross 68K tools.  The beta version of Microtec Research cross
68K C++ tools is hosted on Sun-3 or SPARC workstations for target
processor 68K family.  If you are interested in beta testing Microtec 
Research C++ 2.1 beta, please contact Bill Weinberg, C++ Product Marketing 
Manager, or, Lily Chang, C++ Project Manager, at Microtec Research, Inc.  
	Bill Weinberg  (amdcad!sun0!mri!bill)
	Lily Chang     (amdcad!sun0!mri!lily) 
	2350 Mission College Blvd.,
	Santa Clara, CA  95054, U.S.A.
	TEL:  (408) 980-1300
	FAX:  (408) 982-8266

The beta announcement is attached for your information.


Following is a brief description of the Microtec Research, Inc. C++ cross
development tools as they will appear in the upcoming beta release.  Actual
production tools will feature additional capabilities, including support for
in-line and global optimization in-line debug, direct object output, etc.

C++ Language Support and Enhancements

The Microtec Research CCC68K C++ Cross Compiler software development tools
fully conform to the AT&T version 2.1 C++ language specification.  While
supporting C++ language features such as multiple inheritance, the Microtec
Research tools also provide  the following capabilities for the development
of object-oriented embedded applications:

-  choice of packed or aligned class data
-  interrupt keyword to allow functions and member functions
   to act as interrupt service routines
-  support for ANSI volatile objects and member functions

Class Library Support

The CCC68K package includes the standard I/O stream classes as well as
libraries for complex arithmetic and ANSI Standard C.  In conjunction with
vendors of real-time embedded operating systems, Microtec Research also plans
to develop class libraries for embedded kernel interface.

The class libraries supplied by Microtec Research give the user three
options for global data access:  absolute, PC-relative, and A5-relative
addressing for maximum flexibility in creating embedded executables.

Intelligent Compile Driver

The Microtec Research CCC68K C++ compiler is invoked using an intelligent
compile driver.  Rich in options, the driver can compile C++ sources all
the way through to linked object form or produce any combination of inter-
mediate source and object files.  The same driver can used to compile C++,
ANSI C, K&R C, and even assembly language files.

C/C++ Preprocessor (cpp) Support

The C++ preprocessor (cpp) included in the CCC68K package implements the
processing of C++ comment tokens, macro substitution (including recursive
macros), string concatenations, etc. on both ANSI C and C++ source files.

Window-Oriented C++ Name Inspector 

As a by-product of support for overloaded C++ functions, symbol names in
C++ applications may be distorted or "mangled" in appearance to the user
at link-time.  Symbols subject to mangling include local variables, class
data member names, and function names themselves.

To aid the user in deciphering mangled C++ symbol names, Microtec Research
supplies a powerful demangling tool called the NAME INSPECTOR.  Invoked as
ccclook, this tool works on C++ source files, relocatable object files, C++
executables, or user-entered mangled symbol names and provides the correspon-
ding source-level symbol definitions.  The NAME INSPECTOR supports an on-line
help facility and operates either via a windowed iconic user-interface or in
batch mode to produce reference listings.

Automatic Run-time Static Construction and Destruction

The Microtec Research CCC68K C++ package features automatic run-time static
constructor and destructor support, a feature missing in previous C++ products
but essential for the embedded C++ systems developer.  Rather than forcing the
user to develop his or her own run-time initialization package, the Microtec
Research C++ code generation tools provide seamless, integrated support for
the copying of static constructor data into the proper address space and for
the disposal of objects at shut-down.

C++ Name Decoding Support in Assembler, Linker and Librarian

In addition to the abovementioned NAME INSPECTOR, Microtec Research supports
C++ symbol name demangling in all object-file level tools.  The Microtec
Research assembler, linker, and librarian all display both C++ source as well
as mangled low-level symbol names in a generated listings.

XRAY(tm) Debugger C++ Support

The popular XRAY High-Level Debugger now supports source level debug of
C++ applications in conjuction with the Microtec Research CCC68K C++ tools.
XRAY let the user control program execution via single-stepping and complex
breakpoints and features the display of application data structures in ori-
ginal source format.  XRAY also supports debug of optimized, production-
quality C++ code, access to and display of C++ class objects, symbol name 
demangling, C++ object dereferencing, C++ type display, and scope resolution.
XRAY68K with C++ support will be available for a variety of debug execution
environments, including instruction-set simulation, in-circuit emulation,
and embedded monitor-based debug.

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