[comp.lang.c++] C++ interface specification

reed@mcc.com (Rowland Reed) (09/21/90)

I am participating in an industry standards organization (CAD
Framework Initiative) which has decided to publish interface
specifications with both C and C++ language bindings.

Can anyone give me suggestions on:
1. A form for documenting C++ class libraries which would be rigorous
   enough to serve as an interface specification.

2. The pros and cons of automatically mapping a C language binding
   from a C++ binding.

3. Is there a higher-level specification language for which tools
   exist to automatically generate C and C++ bindings?

Thanks in advance,
email replies appreciated

		 Rowland Reed ~ MCC CAD Framework Lab
	3500 W. Balcones Center Dr. Austin, TX  (512) 338-3379
INTERNET: reed@mcc.com     UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!reed
  Rowland Reed ~  MCC CAD Framework Lab  
  3500 W. Balcones Center Dr. Austin, TX  (512) 338-3379
  INTERNET: reed@mcc.com     UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!reed

mjv@objects.mv.com (Michael J. Vilot) (09/24/90)

Rowland Reed asked about documenting C++ class libraries in a rigorous fashion.

About the best I've seen is Annotated C++ (A++), by Doug Lea and Marshall Cline.
You can get a copy of their paper ``The Behavior of C++ Classes'' from the folks
who organized the SOOPPA conference: jzbv@maristb.bitnet.
They'll also present ``Using Annotated C++'' at this week's C++ at Work

Another place you might look is the Usenix C++ Conference proceedings from the
1988 Denver conference.  Peter Kirslis and Robert Terwilliger presented a
paper ``Implementing a Logic-Based Executable Specification Language in C++''.

Mike Vilot,  ObjectWare Inc, Nashua NH
mjv@objects.mv.com  (UUCP:  ...!decvax!zinn!objects!mjv)