[comp.lang.c++] URGENT: Reviewer needed for Zinc GUI toolkit

tyager@maxx.UUCP (Tom Yager) (09/26/90)

BYTE is in dire need of a reviewer for the Zinc user interface class
library. This plugs into Turbo C++ and provides a stylish, SAA-compliant
user interface to custom applications.

The catch: This review must be turned around in 1.5-2 weeks. We need 900
words, and that makes it a bit easier, but you'll obviously need to be a
C++ wizard to pick up a class lib that quickly.

I'm most inclined to go with anyone who already has Zinc; posession of
TC++ is an absolute must. Preference also goes to those with technical
writing experience.

Responses to "reviews" instead of "tyager" via the addresses in my .sig. I
don't read this group--please respond only by e-mail, but do it quickly.

+--Tom Yager, Technical Editor, BYTE----Freelance writer-------------------+
|  UUCP: decvax!maxx!tyager          NET: maxx!tyager@bytepb.byte.com      |
| "I just bought...the Macintosh portable. And I took it back. Pain in the |
+--butt." --Harry Connick, Jr.-------I speak only for myself.--------------+