[comp.lang.c++] Fortran and C++ won't mix

bennetto-jack@CS.YALE.EDU (Jack Bennetto) (10/02/90)

I'm trying to use a Fortran subroutine from EISPACK in a C++ program
on a SPARCstation but am unable to succesfully link the object files.
The Fortran compiler doesn't seem to recognize the C++ libraries (I'm
using g++) and simply using the linker gives me a Segmentation fault at
the begining of the program.  My knowlege of in this area is limited,
but nothing I've read is very helpful, and I have yet to talk too
anybody who uses both languages.  Any help would be greatly appreciated;
if I don't find an answer soon I may actually have to read the Fortran
code and translate it.
Please reply be e-mail; I don't read this group often.

Jack Bennetto
INTERNET: bennetto@cs.yale.edu
BITNET: bennetto-jack@yalecs
OTHER: 812 Orange St New Haven CT 06511