[comp.lang.c++] C++ for student lab

jimc@julia.math.ucla.edu (10/05/90)

We have an instructional lab with several Sun 3/280's.  We want to
obtain a good C++ compiler.  The main dimension of ``good'' is that the
students will not be demoralized by compiler bugs.  C++ v2.0 support is
preferred; v2.1 is nice but not a demanded feature.  

We are investigating Oregon C++, Comeau C++ and Green Hills C++.  Does
anyone have insights into these products that would help us choose?  Are
there other products that we ought to be looking at?  

We are also seriously considering Gnu g++ (presently in beta test).  One
of the faculty is using it; he has found one bug (reported and confirmed)
and wonders if other problems he is having might be more than just
programmer error. How does g++ compare in reliability with the commercial
products?  In particular, I came upon an article: 

   D. Saks, ``MS-DOS C++ Compilers'', Computer Language, Oct. 1990, p. 91. 

It includes results of five MS-DOS compilers on the Eckel-Saks test
suite.  If that test suite has been run on g++ I would be very interested
to see the results so I (and the faculty) could get a feel for how g++
compares with products we have some familiarity with.

Please mail direct since I don't normally keep current in this group. 
I will summarize about 15 Oct.

James F. Carter        (213) 825-2897
UCLA-Mathnet;  6221 MSA; 405 Hilgard Ave.; Los Angeles, CA, USA  90024-1555
Internet: jimc@math.ucla.edu            BITNET: jimc%math.ucla.edu@INTERBIT