[comp.lang.c++] Problems with g++ on a Sun 4 running SunOs4.1

don@zardoz.coral.com (Don Dewar) (10/02/90)

) Return-Path: <info-g++-request@prep.ai.mit.edu>
) Date: 1 Oct 90 12:40:39 GMT
) From: uunet!mcsun!ukc!edcastle!mfg  (M Gordon)
) Organization: Edinburgh University Electrical Engineering
) Subject: Problems with g++ on a Sun 4 running SunOs4.1
) Sender: uunet!prep.ai.mit.edu!info-g++-request
) To: info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
) I recently posted a message about my problems with g++. Further efforts have
) revealed that the problem is almost certainly with gcc-ld. With this program in
) place programs compiled with gcc give the same results as those compiled with
) g++, i.e. segmentation fault and core dump in start(). Deleting this and going
) back to using the standard linker makes gcc work again. Unfortunately the
) standard linker gives "undefined symbol" errors for ___CTOR_LIST__ and
) ___DTOR_LIST__ when used with g++. Gcc-ld doesn't but I don't understand why -
) I can't find any mention of them in the source for gcc-ld.
) Any help appreciated.
) -- 
) 							 _   _   _    _   _	
) Michael Gordon - mfg@castle.ed.ac.uk OR ee.ed.ac.uk	| |_| |_| |__| |_| |   
) 							| . . . .      . . |    
) I spilt spot remover on my dog and now he's gone! 	|_________|~~|_____|    

Boy was my last message wrong!!!  I didn't attempt to run the correct
executable that resulted from the new gcc-ld.  Just like yours, my
gcc-ld built on a sparcstation running 4.1 also bombed as soon as I
attempt to execute the program.  Anyway, I put the program in the
debugger, and it never gets out of the starting gate.

The gdb session  is:

Current directory is /usr/don/NMS/nobject/
GDB 3.5, Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for GDB; type "info warranty" for details.
GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it
 under certain conditions; type "info copying" to see the conditions.
Reading symbol data from /usr/don/NMS/nobject/nobject...done.
r nmsdbdon
Setting environment variable "ING_SET" to null value.
Type "help" for a list of commands.
(gdb) Starting program: /usr/don/NMS/nobject/nobject nmsdbdon

Program received signal 11, Segmentation fault
0x20 in start ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x20 in start ()
Error reading memory address 0x20: I/O error (5).

It looks as though the address of start is bogus.  In the program that
works, the address of start is 0x2020.  I tried looking for these
numbers 2020 and 20 in the system includes and in the g++ sources.  I
didn't find anything that looked like it would have an affect in the
system, but there are some intersting bit operations on tm.h and
something calld tp-s_flag in ld.c.  I don't know enough about this
code or linkers in general to continue, but perhaps this is enough to
get someone more knowledgeable started.

  | Coral   |
  |@@*@@**@@|     Don Dewar
  |*@@**@@@@|     Coral Network Corporation, Marlborough, MA
  |@***@@@@@|     Internet: don@coral.com
  |@@**@@@@@|     Phone:    (508) 460-6010
  |*********|     Fax:      (508) 481-6258
  |Networks |

martin@enuxha.eas.asu.edu (Ross D. Martin) (10/05/90)

In article <9010021234.AA04968@zardoz.noname>, don@zardoz.coral.com (Don Dewar) writes:
>)From: uunet!mcsun!ukc!edcastle!mfg  (M Gordon)
>)Organization: Edinburgh University Electrical Engineering
>)I recently posted a message about my problems with g++. Further efforts have
>)revealed that the problem is almost certainly with gcc-ld. With this program 
>)place programs compiled with gcc give the same results as those compiled with
>)g++, i.e. segmentation fault and core dump in start().
>) Michael Gordon - mfg@castle.ed.ac.uk OR ee.ed.ac.uk	| |_| |_| |__| |_| |   
> like yours, my
> gcc-ld built on a sparcstation running 4.1 also bombed as soon as I
> attempt to execute the program.  Anyway, I put the program in the
> debugger, and it never gets out of the starting gate.

I also could not get ld in the g++ distribution (1.37.0 or 1.37.1)
to work.  I eventually gave up, and went looking for a different
ld.c file, assuming someone else had already fixed the problem.
I found a file ld.c.Z on labrea.stanford.edu, and when I replaced
ld.c in the g++ distribution with this file, I got a gcc-ld that
seems to run fine with both gcc and g++.  I don't know what the
problem was, but you could certainly narrow it down by looking at
the difference of these two ld.c files...

BTW, my problems come from a Sun 3 running SunOS 4.1.

Ross Martin  martin@enuxha.eas.asu.edu