[comp.lang.c++] Turbo C++ Offer

banner@rupert.misemi ( pcuser) (10/12/90)

I'd like to know some opinions on the Borland Turbo C++ 
Professional Package. I see you can upgrade from "any PC
C compiler" to TC++ for $150US. 

	1. Does this package have all the features of
	Turbo C Professional?? They say its ANSI C compliant...

	2. Does Borland still sell (ie update...) TC Pro ??

	3. Is TC++ worth $150.00, or should I wait to see
	what other companies offer in a C++ compiler?

Also in a related vein, what are some good C++ books to get to aid
in learning C++, when you already know ANSI C??

Reply via Email, or if its of general interest, to this newsgroup....

Forgive me if this has been hashed out already, or if this is the wrong
#$%^& newsgroup to post this...
Ross Bannerman     | banner@mitel.com.uunet