[comp.lang.c++] Call For Papers - Turbo Languages

davidi@well.sf.ca.us (David Intersimone) (10/15/90)

                       1991 Turbo Languages
                  International Users Conference
                          Call for Papers

Dear Borland Language Enthusiast:

Borland International, Inc. has announced the 1991 Turbo Languages
International Users Conference, to be held at the historic Sheraton
Palace Hotel in San Francisco, California from April 28 through May 1.

We're pleased to issue this call for papers for participation in the
conference.  Please submit a separate abstract form for each
presentation you would like to give according to the guidelines set
forth by the conference advisory board.

The deadline for submitting abstracts is November 1, 1990.  We will
notify you by early December about the acceptance of your proposal. 
Final papers will be due by February 1, 1991.

Thank you for your interest and support.  We are very excited about
this Conference and with your participation we're sure it will be a
great success.  We look forward to hearing from you.


                                      David Intersimone
                                      Conference Advisory Board


The primary purpose of the Conference presentations is to educate
attendees about Borland Turbo Languages and programming techniques. 
We expect attendees to walk away from the Conference with a better
understanding of Borland products and of how other users are utilizing
Borland technology.


We anticipate 800-1000 attendees at the Conference, including
programmers and managers from companies and corporations of all sizes,
as well as independent consultants and educators.

Attendees of all levels of programming expertise are expected to
attend, from non-programming managers interested in new programming
technologies to expert programmers fluent in one or several Turbo


Please fill out the included blank abstract form (a filled out sample
abstract form is on the reverse side of the blank form).  If you are
submitting more than one abstract, make copies of the blank form.

A brief biographical sketch (no more than 100 words).

Mail your filled out abstract form and biography to:

    Turbo Language Conference 
    Advisory Board
    c/o David Intersimone
    Borland International
    Languages Business Unit
    1800 Green Hills Road
    Scotts Valley, CA 95066


Submission of an abstract or a paper will not automatically qualify
you to make a presentation at the Conference.  The Conference Advisory
Board expects to receive more abstracts and papers than the number of
available sessions.  Presenters will be determined by the Conference
Advisory Board with the concurrence of Borland after reviewing all
submitted abstracts.

You will be notified, by mail, of the outcome of your abstract
proposal by early December 1990.  Following acceptance of your
abstract by the board, you will submit your presentation paper for
review by the board.  Your presentations must be received by February
1, 1991 as formal acceptance of papers will occur on February 15,
1991.  Prospective presenters should be aware of and plan for the
relatively short time between abstract acceptance and the deadline for
paper submittal.


Speaker presentations will either be one hour or ninety minutes long,
depending on the needs of the speaker.  Technical sessions will take
place both during the day and also later at night.  The focus of
sessions during the day is on the conference tracks.  Sessions in the
evening revolve around organized spontaneity, informal get-togethers,
and smaller discussion groups.

Presentations can be given using Quattro Pro slide shows, overheads,
35mm slides, or computer based visuals.  The presentation will follow
the subject matter put down in the submitted paper.

The allotted time includes a question-and-answer period.  Most
presentations will be given once during the Conference, but some of
the more popular ones may be repeated.  The audience size for most
presentations will range from 80 to 300 people.


Included with the call for papers is a sample and a blank abstract

Your abstract form should include: 

    * A short title for the presentation; 
    * A one-sentence description of the presentation, suitable 
      for the Conference brochure; 
    * Name, company, title, address, phone number, electronic 
      mail addresses, fax number;
    * The track where your presentation would fit; 
    * An abstract for your presentation (no longer than 300 words)
      to be used by the advisory board in making its selection.
      The abstract should specify: The information to be covered; 
      The major functions and features to be demonstrated; Tips 
      and techniques of special interest to the audience; The 
      programming level of your audience. 
    * The estimated time needed to give the presentation.

If your presentation is a case study, please supply the following
information in the description: 

    * Who was involved in the case study; (Company name); 
    * When did the case under discussion occur; 
    * Why is this case study important; 
    * What conclusions can be drawn from this study.

Please indicate whether your presentation has special requirements,
such as special hardware, and lighting. Also indicate whether more
than one person will conduct the presentation.


The presentations intended for the Conference fall into five major
tracks.  These tracks represent the subject areas we believe to be of
greatest interest to attendees.  You are by no means restricted to the
topics suggested here, or to the tracks that we've identified.  What
follows here are merely suggestions to give you ideas.  We welcome any
topics that you think will be of interest at the Conference.


Presentations for this track shuld focus on issues specific to the
Turbo Languages -- Pascal, C, C++, Assembler -- or to Turbo
environments. Submissions should consider programming problems and
issues such as optimization, profiling and performance testing,
object-oriented programming, and developing for specific platforms or

Suggested topics include: 

    * Language-specific development issues, features, and history for
      Pascal, C, C++, Assembler; 
    * Programming problems, issues, and concepts (OOPs, performance,
      overlay optimizations, etc); 
    * Platforms, environments, application frameworks, application 
      proram interfaces; 
    * Examples and techniques of interesting or unusual projects, 
      ideas and special hacks.

Track #2: TOOLS

Presentations for this track should concentrate on tools technology. 
Submissions should consider the uses of programming tools for
debugging, development, or migration with an eye toward assessing
their effect on productivity from both a development and a maintenance
point of view.

Suggested topics include: 

    * Debugging and testing; 
    * Development tools, including screen designers, editors, librarians,
      and case tools; 
    * Productivity issues such as: version control, optimizing, automated
      testing, cross referencing, printing utilities, and profiling; 
    * Migration issues dealing with language conversion, moving code 
      between computers and operating systems.


Libraries are an important part of programming, and promise to become
more important in the near future.  This track examines the issues
underlying library design and development for various purposes, the
use of OOP libraries, and the management of libraries.  Illustrative
case studies are encouraged.

Suggested topics for presentations include: 

    * Program design using libraries; 
    * Using OOP libraries; 
    * Multiuser methods; 
    * Libraries for developing user interfaces and application 
    * Library development and management (oriented toward in-house
    * Special purpose libraries; 
    * Issues in library development such as enhancement and extension.


These sessions will explore techniques that enable developers and
development teams to deliver robust products on schedule. 
Participants will gain understanding and appreciation of hgh-tech and
low-tech approaches t managing the development process.  

Presentations will cover such topics as: 

    * Analysis and design for structured and object-oriented 
    * Code reusability strategies; 
    * User interfaces design; 
    * Testing and quality assurance methods; 
    * CASE in practice; 
    * Managing huge projects (including the downsizing of projects); 
    * Adopting OOP; 
    * High-level case studies.

Track #5: ETC

This track is designed to attract presentations that do not fit neatly
into any of the previously noted tracks.  Sessions will explore the
corners and the insides of the technology, and are not restricted in
any way.

Possible topics in this track include: 

    * Hot tips; 
    * Turbo Language puzzles, tricks and hacks; 
    * Turbo language int    * Algorithms; 
    * OOP frontiers; 
    * Robotics, AI, arti life, virtual reality; 
    * High level application case studies (not in-depth).


We would like to accept everyone who offers an abstract or paper, but
will probably not be able to do so.  Presenters will be selected
primarily on the strength of their abstracts and qualifications.

Your chances of being selected will improve if you:

1. Offer special tips and techniques in your presentation.  Such tips
will make your presentation more compelling than the same topic
presented in a more traditional manner.
2. Describe novel and unique applications of Turbo Language products
and tools in an original fashion.
3. Follow closely the format for abstracts defined in this Call for

Note that although we expect object-oriented programming (OOP) to be a
very popular topic, we do not intend to lose sight of programming
approaches using non-OOP techniques.

Presentations that demonstrate proprietary code or techniques are
discouraged.  Presentations intended to demonstrate features of
proprietary products are discouraged.  In case-study presentations,
the code may itself be proprietary, but you must be prepared to fully
explain the techniques you demonstrate, either in your paper, or in
response to questions from the audience.


        Nov 1           Deadline for abstract 
Early Dec       Notification of abstract 
        Feb 1           Deadline for receipt of 
                        presentation papers
        April 28        Conference Starts 

All Borland products are trademarks of Borland International, Inc.
Copyright @1990 Borland International, Inc. All rights reserved.

                        VALLEY, CA 95067-0001, (408) 438-5300

 L A N D

Deadline for submittal:  November 1, 1990
scription of your presentation:

Name:   _________________________________________
Title:  _________________________________________
Phone #:___________________
Fax #:  ___________________
EMail:  _____________________________

Track #:    ____
Abstract:   ______________________________________________________

Duration: ( ) 60 minutes  ( ) 90 minutes  ( )longer:  ______
Special requirements (hardware,lighting, etc):

Please include a brief biographical sketch (no more than 100 words) on
a separate piece of paper.

TURBO LANGUAGES                                   < S A M P L E >
Deadline for submittal:  November 1, 1990
  __C++ Programming for Process Control________________

One-sentence description of your presentation:
  _Polymorphism is shown to be a powerful object-oriented____
  _technique for developing C++ programs for process control.

Name:   __Irving Schmidlapp______________________
Company:__A&B Manufacturing______________________
Title:  __Engineer_______________________________
Address:__555 Disk Drive_________________________
        __Suite 386______________________________
        __Scotts Valley, CA 95066________________
Phone #:__(408) 555-8087___
Fax #:  __(408) 555-8088___
EMail:  _____________________________

Abstract:       _This paper shows how polymorphism can be used to_
_maximize productivity when developing C++ software for process___
_control applications.  The presentation will show examples of____
_polymorphic objects representing a hierarchy of instruments at___
_a water-treatment plant, and will go through the process of______
_adding a new instrument class and modifying an existing instru-__
_ment class.  The development of the software will be discussd,___
_with particular attention devoted to integration of graphics_____
_with classes using multiple inheritance._________________________

Duration:       (x) 60 minutes  ( ) 90 minutes  ( )longer:  ______
Special requirements (hardware,lighting, etc):
  _386 PC w/ 3 meg extended memory, mouse_________________________

Please include a brief biographical sketch (no more than 100 words) on
a separate piece of paper.