[comp.lang.c++] g++ on Sun 4

root@aostra.uucp (SYSTEM ADMIN) (10/10/90)

	Does anyone else have problems with g++ 1.37.2 on
a Sun 4 with SunOS 4.1???  Everything works fine except the
'ld' that comes with g++ doesn't work.  The code it produces
doesn't even get out of the starting gate.  Same with the 'ld'
in the binutils.  I'm also using gcc 1.37.0.  Any suggestions
or sympathy would be appreciated.

PS - Please post responses, my email doesn't work so hot
sometimes. Thank you.

Curtis Stanford

martin@enuxha.eas.asu.edu (Ross D. Martin) (10/12/90)

In article <1990Oct9.173820.2955@aostra.uucp>, root@aostra.uucp writes:
> 	Does anyone else have problems with g++ 1.37.2 on
> a Sun 4 with SunOS 4.1???  Everything works fine except the
> 'ld' that comes with g++ doesn't work.  The code it produces
> doesn't even get out of the starting gate.  Same with the 'ld'
> in the binutils.  I'm also using gcc 1.37.0.  Any suggestions
> or sympathy would be appreciated.
> Curtis Stanford
> A.O.S.T.R.A.
> ...calgary!aostra!stanford

This problem has been mentioned by a few people previously.
The other people also had Sun 4's, but I have a Sun 3, and the
problem is the same there.

It is some bug in the code in the g++ release.  I was able to
circumvent the problem by uncompresing the file ld.c.Z I found at
labrea.stanford.edu and using this ld.c in place of the one in the
g++ distribution.  So far, I have had no problems with this switch.

I'm not sure whether the ld.c there is an old version or if it
is a newer version with bug fixes, but I'd like to thank whoever
put it there...

		Ross Martin

zougas@me.utoronto.ca ("Athanasios(Tom) Zougas") (10/15/90)

root@aostra.uucp (SYSTEM ADMIN) writes:

>	Does anyone else have problems with g++ 1.37.2 on
>a Sun 4 with SunOS 4.1???  Everything works fine except the
>'ld' that comes with g++ doesn't work.  The code it produces
>doesn't even get out of the starting gate.  Same with the 'ld'
>in the binutils.  I'm also using gcc 1.37.0.  Any suggestions
>or sympathy would be appreciated.

>PS - Please post responses, my email doesn't work so hot
>sometimes. Thank you.

>Curtis Stanford

I'm having similar problems. I tried making g++ use Sun's ld,
but to no avail. I did have g++ working under SunOS 4.0.3 though,
which really boggles me. I too am looking for suggestions.


I can be reached at...
  zougas@me.utoronto.ca || zougas@me.toronto.edu || ...!utai!me!zougas