[comp.lang.c++] porting C++ to tranputers

raghu@osc.edu (Raghu Machiraju) (10/08/90)

Has there been any attempt to port the AT&T translator to the transputer.
If anybody has done so or is aware of such an effort would he/she be kind
enough  to share his/her experiences . More specifically I am interested in 
using the Logical Sytems C compiler for the port .


saustin@bbn.com (Steve Austin) (10/08/90)

raghu@osc.edu (Raghu Machiraju) writes:

>Has there been any attempt to port the AT&T translator to the transputer.
>If anybody has done so or is aware of such an effort would he/she be kind
>enough  to share his/her experiences . More specifically I am interested in 
>using the Logical Sytems C compiler for the port .

I haven't ported AT&T's translator to RUN on a transputer, but it is
trivially easy to get C++ code compiled FOR a transputer - or anything
else really - if you have a C compiler for the target machine.

The program 'CC' is just a shell script which takes the C++ program,
runs it through the pre-processor, runs the output of this through
cfront and then compiles the resulting C code with the standard compiler.

It is easy to divert the last step (compiling with the default cc) and
then compile with the cross-compiler. If you don't want to mess around with
the shell script environment variables, you can yse the -Fc switch to get
C code produced from the standard output of CC, redirect this to a temporary
file and compile this.

I have also got this to work when the C++ and C compilers run on different
machines by using some "rsh" hacks.

There are some minor difficulies to be overcome.

1.	"munch" may not work, since the nm command for the non-native code
	may not be compatible. I have avoided this by not using globals
	variables which have constructors. The action of munch is to construct
	a special function called _main(), which calls these constructors
	at the star of main().

2.	You have to write a dummy *C* _main() i.e.
		void	_main() {}
	so that you don't get a complaint that the symbol _main is
	undefined when you link.

3.	You have to write code for "operator new" and "operator delete"
	(in C++). I just wrote new as a wrapper for "malloc" and delete as
	a wrapper for "free".

4.	Watch out for problems with include files. The only problem I had
	was that SUN's ctype.h seems to be different from anybody else's.
	This is a difference between the character table being defined
	as _ctype_ in on and __ctype in another (or something like that).
	However, your mileage may vary.

Running CC on a SUN, I have done this successfully for the following

	IBM RS6000

	Steve Austin

P.S. No guarantees of accuracy here. I speak for myself, not my employer.

P.P.S Yes, I know this is a hack - no flames please.

philip@pescadero.Stanford.EDU (Philip Machanick) (10/08/90)

In article <59874@bbn.BBN.COM>, saustin@bbn.com (Steve Austin) writes:
|> I haven't ported AT&T's translator to RUN on a transputer, but it is
|> trivially easy to get C++ code compiled FOR a transputer - or anything
|> else really - if you have a C compiler for the target machine.
|> The program 'CC' is just a shell script which takes the C++ program,
|> runs it through the pre-processor, runs the output of this through
|> cfront and then compiles the resulting C code with the standard compiler.
|> It is easy to divert the last step (compiling with the default cc) and
|> then compile with the cross-compiler. If you don't want to mess around with
|> the shell script environment variables, you can yse the -Fc switch to get
|> C code produced from the standard output of CC, redirect this to a temporary
|> file and compile this.
|> There are some minor difficulies to be overcome.
|> 4.	Watch out for problems with include files. The only problem I had
|> 	was that SUN's ctype.h seems to be different from anybody else's.
|> 	This is a difference between the character table being defined
|> 	as _ctype_ in on and __ctype in another (or something like that).
|> 	However, your mileage may vary.
When I ported cfront to a new machine, I found the easiest way to handle
header file problems was to use the C header files from the target machine.
The same would probably be true when cross-compiling. Since cfront runs
after the pre-processor, all the includes are expanded by the time your
mangled c code is produced. (The C++ headers use the standard C headers

I would imagine you would also want to build the C++ library for the target
machine. A problem I have had here is the function memcpy is used in the
iostream classes. This is a Unix, rather than C, function as far as I can
work out, and is not even supported on all versions of Unix. Fortunately,
it's very simple to write your own.
Philip Machanick

sylvie@litp.ibp.fr (Sylvie LEMARIE) (10/15/90)

1 About C++ porting on transputer
  Our research group is involved in development of environment for
  transputer-based machine. We run Helios as our basic system support.
  We are porting C++ (2.0) to be run with the helios C.
  This C compiler is almost C-ansi but the C++ compiler optimizes some
  declarations which are not accepted by the Helios C, for example
	struct A { ... }
	struct B { A* a; }
	B b;
  The ATT C++ (2.0) compiler does not generate the A structure since just
  a pointer is used. This botches the Helios C compiler.
  So we have modified the ATT compiler to cope with Helios C.
  Some other minor problems occur, requiring minor extensions.
  Other problems include :
    - the C Helios does not have an independent preprocessor stage, we have
      ported the Gnu-CPP to run in front of the ATT-cfront.
    - _main is an Helios function
    - ...

  I can't distribute these sources since ATT copyrighted but if some
  vendors are interested, business could be business.

2 About cross-compiler
  We have a cross-compiler Sun -> Helios. Our header files are just
  mounted by NFS and we use the -I directive.

Sylvie Lemarie
Philippe Gautron,                       UUCP:   gautron@rxf.ibp.fr
Rank Xerox France / LITP
Universite de Paris VI
4 place Jussieu, 75252 PARIS CEDEX 05