[comp.lang.c++] [c++...] ET++ 2.0 released

metz@iam.unibe.ch (Igor Metz) (10/22/90)

Archive-name: ET++/v2.0
Original-posting-by: metz@iam.unibe.ch (Igor Metz)
Original-subject: ET++ 2.0 released
Archive-site: iamsun.unibe.ch []
Archive-directory: C++/ET++
Reposted-by: emv@math.lsa.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti)

ET++ version 2.0 is finally released. It can be obtained with anonymous ftp
from the official ET++ repository, iamsun.unibe.ch []. Get the
file et2.tar.Z from directory C++/ET++. Remember to set ftp to binary mode! To
unpack the distribution, use uncompress and tar.  The compressed tar file is
2.45 MB, the unpacked et2 directory will eat up 8.5 MB disk space.

If you don't have ftp, you should write to Andre Weinand. Maybe he can send
you a tape.

What is ET++ ?

 ET++ is a homogeneous object-oriented class library integrating user
interface building blocks, basic data structures, and support for object
input/output with high level application framework components. ET++ is
implemented in C++ and runs under UNIX under SunWindows, NeWS or the X11
window system.

Hardware and Software Requirements
To read the ET++ tape requires about 10 MB of diskspace. A full ET++ 
installation requires about 40 MB of disk space. The following table 
gives some numbers for the sizes of the directories after all the fonts 
and example applications are compiled:

src             8 MB
sunfonts        1 MB
xfonts          1.6 MB
applications    25 MB

Supported C++ Compilers:

* AT&T C++ 1.2: 
  in order to compile ET++ with this version of cfront some bugs have to be
fixed. The corresponding patches are shipped with this distribution (source
license necessary). This is the last release which will support C++1.2.

* AT&T C++ 2.0, SUN C++2.0:     
  ET++ can now be compiled without any patches to cfront or the CC driver with
AT&T's, and SUNUs C++2.0. ET++2.0 is 2.0 friendly but does not use and support
multiple inheritance!

Supported Hardware and OS:

* Sun OS 4.x (680xx, Sparc), SunWindows, X11R4, X11R3

* Sony News 1850, X11R3
  The ET++ collection classes are window system independent and can be used on
all platforms.

Send comments/questions/flames to:

	Andre Weinand
	Union Bank of Switzerland
	UBILAB (Union Bank Informatics Laboratory)
	Bahnhofstrasse 45
	CH-8021 Zurich

	phone: +41-1-236-40-53
	fax:   +41-1-236-46-71
	e-mail: weinand@ifi.unizh.ch

If you have trouble with ftp, send comments to metz@iam.unibe.ch.

Have Fun.
Igor Metz
Institut fuer Informatik und angew. Mathematik, Universitaet Bern, Switzerland.
domainNet: metz@iam.unibe.ch               Phone: (0041) 31 65 49 90
ARPA:      metz%iam.unibe.ch@relay.cs.net  Fax:   (0041) 31 65 39 65