[comp.lang.c++] AT&T in a meeting

drg@csri.toronto.edu (Dave Galloway) (10/19/90)

The University of Toronto has AT&T source licenses for a bunch of AT&T
products, including UNIX, C++, etc.  Up until 6 months ago, we dealt with
someone at AT&T Canada when we wanted new releases and license changes.

At that point, we were told that AT&T in the US was taking over the
Canadian side of things, and were given a new contact in the States.
Since then we have been unable to talk to anyone.  No one returns calls,
and FAXes go unanswered.

Has anyone in Canada managed to get a source product out of AT&T in the
last few months ?  If so, who did you talk to, and what is their phone
number ?

Even better, has anyone in Canada managed to get a copy of the source for
C++ 2.1 (or even the pricing for it) ?

py@meadow.uucp (Peter Yeung) (10/20/90)

In article <1990Oct18.142454.4320@jarvis.csri.toronto.edu> drg@csri.toronto.edu (Dave Galloway) writes:
>Since then we have been unable to talk to anyone.  No one returns calls,
>and FAXes go unanswered.

Ah..... AT&T... from our experience, dealing with AT&T (and their VARs) were
pure frustrations. Their support was minimal and nobody seemed to know answer
to any technical problems. For example, it took us quite a bit of runaround
and a few MONTHS time just to get their education courses calender!

BTW, is anyone out there running V.4?

Peter Yeung     Amdahl Canada Ltd., Software Development Center
                2000 Argentia Road, Plaza 2, Suite 300
                Mississauga, Ont.   L5N 1V8
                Phone: (416) 542-6300    Fax: (416) 858-2233

jim@lsuc.on.ca (Jim Mercer) (10/22/90)

In article <1990Oct18.142454.4320@jarvis.csri.toronto.edu> drg@csri.toronto.edu (Dave Galloway) writes:
>The University of Toronto has AT&T source licenses for a bunch of AT&T
>products, including UNIX, C++, etc.  Up until 6 months ago, we dealt with
>someone at AT&T Canada when we wanted new releases and license changes.
>At that point, we were told that AT&T in the US was taking over the
>Canadian side of things, and were given a new contact in the States.
>Since then we have been unable to talk to anyone.  No one returns calls,
>and FAXes go unanswered.

The Law Society (Department of Education) is a Sys V 3.2.1 Licensee.

I started dealing with AT&T (Canada) last December.
When we finally got things rolling, i started receiving tapes.
it wasn't until the 4th set of tapes, that i got something i could read
on our 3B2.

by this time, AT&T (canada) no longer marketed source products.

fortunately, because of the media problems i was having, i was in contact
with AT&T (new jersey) before AT&T (canada) stopped selling source.

they have been responsive (maybe not speedy, but i did get answer's and action)

>Has anyone in Canada managed to get a source product out of AT&T in the
>last few months ?  If so, who did you talk to, and what is their phone
>number ?

send me email and i'll send the names & numbers to you.

>Even better, has anyone in Canada managed to get a copy of the source for
>C++ 2.1 (or even the pricing for it) ?

C++? what's C++?  8^)

[ Jim Mercer  jim@lsuc.On.Ca  || ...!uunet!attcan!lsuc!jim    +1 416 947-5258 ]
[ Systems Facilitator - Law Society of Upper Canada, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA ]
[ Standards are great. They give non-conformists something to not conform to. ]
[      The opinions expressed here may or may not be those of my employer     ]

bdb@becker.UUCP (Bruce D. Becker) (10/24/90)

In article <1990Oct20.041400.1176@meadow.uucp> py@meadow.UUCP (Peter Yeung) writes:
| [...]
|BTW, is anyone out there running V.4?

	I am running it on an Amiga.

	It's pretty interesting, actually...

  ,u,	 Bruce Becker	Toronto, Ontario
a /i/	 Internet: bdb@becker.UUCP, bruce@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu
 `\o\-e	 UUCP: ...!uunet!mnetor!becker!bdb
 _< /_	 "I still have my phil-os-o-phy" - Meredith Monk