[comp.lang.c++] Transport Library

schemers@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Roland Schemers III) (10/26/90)

Since so many people are asking for the Socket library I'm working
on, I'm going to post it here and also place it for anonymous ftp
on vela.acs.oakland.edu in /pub/C++/Transport.tar.Z.

I few warnings, I compiled it under Ultrix 4.0 with cfront 2.1, and
its still a little rough around the edges. It has DECnet support, but
that can be enabled/disabled with a flag in the makefile.

Here is the catalog of the shar's coming across:

   File Name		Archive #	Description
 Transport                  1	
 Transport/src              1	
 Transport/src/DECnetSocket.C  2	
 Transport/src/InetAddress.C  2	
 Transport/src/InetAddress.h  2	
 Transport/src/InetDatagram.C  1	
 Transport/src/InetSocket.C  2	
 Transport/src/InetStream.C  1	
 Transport/src/Socket.C     3	
 Transport/src/Transport.C  2	
 Transport/src/Transport.h  3	
 Transport/src/UnixAddress.C  1	
 Transport/src/UnixAddress.h  1	
 Transport/src/UnixSocket.C  2	
 Transport/src/Util.C       2	
 Transport/src/Util.h       1	
 Transport/src/makefile     1	
 Transport/src/makefile.dist  1	
 Transport/tests            1	
 Transport/tests/dclient.C  1	
 Transport/tests/dserver.C  1	
 Transport/tests/dserver_fork.C  1	
 Transport/tests/iclient.C  1	
 Transport/tests/iserver.C  1	
 Transport/tests/makefile   2	
 Transport/tests/mips       1	
 Transport/tests/qtest.C    1	
 Transport/tests/rchargen.C  1	
 Transport/tests/rdaytime.C  1	
 Transport/tests/rstats.C   1	
 Transport/tests/sclient.C  1	
 Transport/tests/sserver.C  1	
 Transport/tests/uclient.C  1	
 Transport/tests/userver.C  1	
 Transport/tests/vax        1	


Roland J. Schemers III                              Systems Programmer 
schemers@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Ultrix)              Oakland University 
schemers@argo.acs.oakland.edu (VMS)                 Rochester, MI 48309-4401
"As long as the systems are up, I get to sleep in!" (313)-370-4323