[comp.lang.c++] Classix class library

cohill@vtserf.cc.vt.edu (Andrew M. Cohill) (08/23/90)

Just got a brochure in the mail on the Classix class library from
Empathy software.  Seems to have a nice set of stuff--linked lists,
graphs, hash tables, stacks, etc, as well as some Smalltalk-like
classes, such as Association, Collection, and Set.  

Does anybody have any experience with this software, or have any prior
 experience with the company?

dch@aeg.dsto.oz.au (Dave Hanslip) (10/27/90)

Does anybody have any experience with the Classix C++ class library from Empathy incorported? I'm looking for comparisons with NIHCL with which we are familiar and information on documentation.

David C. Hanslip                              E-mail: dch@aeg.dsto.oz.au
Aeronautical Research Laboratory              Phone: +61 8 259 5792
DSTO Salisbury, South Australia               Fax: +61 8 259 5507