[comp.lang.c++] C++ Class Library wanted

sda@relay.eu.net (Stephen Ayers) (10/26/90)

I'm looking for a good class library of "Standard" objects for use in 
an application. It should include an array of collection classes, Strings,
Streams, etc. In fact the GNU C++ library would be just fine if it wasn't
for the licensing issues. Freeware/PD is fine so is $$'s.

The platform is a Sun-3 Sun CC & GNU G++.

Does anyone out there have a class library or experience using one?

Thanks in advance

Stephen Ayers
Atex European Development Centre, A Kodak Company
sda@epps.kodak.com | {sun,uunet,kodak}!atexnet!sda  | ..!ukc!edc!sda
+44 506 41 6778

MARTINHER%urvax.urich.edu@MITVMA.MIT.EDU (HERB MARTIN) (10/28/90)

FTP the National Institure of Health Class Library (NIHCL) from:

This code goes with the book "Data Abstraction and Object Oriented Programming
in C++".

Herb Martin    MartinHer@urvax.urich.edu