[comp.lang.c++] Need info on C++ development environment for Suns under Motif

thakur@eddie.mit.edu (Manavendra K. Thakur) (11/01/90)

We've been using ObjectWorks for C++ under SunView, and we really like
the source code browser that graphically displays object class
hierarchies.  It also provides some debugging facilities.

However, the company that sells ObjectWorks, Parc Place Systems, has
decided to release an X11 version based on OpenLook.  We want to use

So does anyone out there know of a comparable product that:

	1) Displays object class hierarchies
	2) Has a good C++ debugger
	3) runs under Motif?

We're working on Sun 3 and Sun 4 machines.

If anyone has information on this, please send mail to
<jones@cfa.harvard.edu> or <thakur@zerkalo.harvard.edu>.

Thanks very much.

Manavendra K. Thakur			Internet: thakur@zerkalo.harvard.edu
System Manager,	High Energy Division	BITNET:	  thakur@cfa.BITNET
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for		DECNET:	  CFA::thakur
Astrophysics				UUCP:	  ...!uunet!mit-eddie!thakur