[comp.lang.c++] Honest to goodness C++ mode in emacs please!

bhatti@curie.ces.CWRU.Edu (Ata Bhatti) (11/03/90)

I was just wondering:

	For all you guys that use emacs to work on c++ files, what c++
modes/settings do you use. Locally I have played with a number of c++
modes and settings (and not knowing much about the internals of
Emacs/Elisp) have not been very succesful.

	I've seen half a dozen people show me c++-modes that have all
these various options and all that. I do not much care about most of
these options. All I want is a mode that will allow me to simply and
efficiently write c++ programs in a format similar to, say, Stroustrup
or Lippman. No bells. No whistles. No gizmos. Just a simple mode that
will take care of indentation, electric bracess, electric semi-colons
and all the required games with colons, and other required indentation

If you can help (have a decent/workable setup or know of something
that I need to do to configure the c++ modes properly), please put me
out of my misery (our c++ setup sucks, frankly!) by sending me the
details concerning your setup. 

Any and all help will be most appreciated!
			Ata Bhatti
