[comp.lang.c++] TC++ 1.01 is NOT TCPPT1

minar@reed.bitnet (Nelson Minar,L08,x640,7776519) (11/01/90)

In article <625@quad.sialis.mn.org> dts@quad.sialis.mn.org (David Sandberg) writes:
>Does anyone know if there are any bug fixes included in this "1.01"
>release beyond what was fixed by the TCPPT1.ZIP patch disk which has
>been available for a while?

I've said this 3 times before on the net, but here goes again.

  TC++ 1.01 and TCPPT1.ZIP are two totally different things. The former
is a new release of the compiler.  You will get new disks entirely.
The latter was a set of patches to the compiler, libaries, and include
files that fixed things like the growing .prj problem, various
problems in the library, etc etc.  
  TC++ 1.01 should be free, but Borland seems to be selling copies for
$15 to people who call and order it.  If you call tech support, and
report a compiler bug, they will ship it to you for free.

>Clarifications!  We need clarifications!  B-)

The clarification I am interested in is what exactly TC++ 1.01 fixes.
I know one compiler bug it takes care of - a problem in conditionally
returning constructed objects in inline functions.  I do not know what
other bugs it fixes, or whether there is a parallel upgrade for the
debugger, profiler, etc.  I do want to know the answers to this, but
the best I can do is wait for the release to get to me.

dts@quad.sialis.mn.org (David Sandberg) (11/02/90)

In article <15628@reed.UUCP> minar@reed.bitnet (Nelson Minar) writes:
>In article <625@quad.sialis.mn.org> dts@quad.sialis.mn.org (David Sandberg) writes:
>>Does anyone know if there are any bug fixes included in this "1.01"
>>release beyond what was fixed by the TCPPT1.ZIP patch disk?
>I've said this 3 times before on the net, but here goes again.

You must not have said it in comp.lang.c++ before, though, or else
I'm getting very nearsighted in my old age.  B-/

>  TC++ 1.01 and TCPPT1.ZIP are two totally different things. The former
>is a new release of the compiler.  You will get new disks entirely.

You're right.  I know, because I just got my upgrade today (Federal
Express, even - thanks, Borland).  And I was never asked to pay for
it either (if Bob Rusbasan is reading this, there's your answer)...
but that might be explained by my name possibly being on file there
as one who has called before with concerns about iostreams bugs.

But the Borland rep couldn't tell me whether 1.01 had fixes above
and beyond those in TCPPT1.ZIP when I called them to ask for the
upgrade.  (I would assume that at least all of the patches from
TCPPT1.ZIP are in the new release.)  That's why I asked here.  If
I bothered anyone in the process, I'm sorry.

 \\         David Sandberg         \     ,=,       ,=,           \\
 //      dts@quad.sialis.com       /     | |uadric `=,ystems     //
 \\  uunet!umn-cs!sialis!quad!dts  \     `=\       `='           \\

dwatney@pine.circa.ufl.edu (Marshall Sutherland) (11/03/90)

In article <15628@reed.UUCP>, minar@reed.bitnet (Nelson Minar,L08,x640,7776519) writes...
>  TC++ 1.01 should be free, but Borland seems to be selling copies for
>$15 to people who call and order it.  If you call tech support, and
>report a compiler bug, they will ship it to you for free.

Is there a nice simple bug that we can all use?  (evil grin)

Marshall Sutherland, Partner/Consultant, Digital Magic Computer Consulting
dwatney@pine.circa.ufl.edu, dwatney@ufpine.bitnet
Sysop, Farthinghale Arms BBS, +1 904 378 4861

horstman@sjsumcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) (11/04/90)

In article <15628@reed.UUCP> minar@reed.bitnet (Nelson Minar) writes:
>>Clarifications!  We need clarifications!  B-)
>The clarification I am interested in is what exactly TC++ 1.01 fixes.
>I know one compiler bug it takes care of - a problem in conditionally
>returning constructed objects in inline functions.  I do not know what
>other bugs it fixes, or whether there is a parallel upgrade for the
>debugger, profiler, etc.  I do want to know the answers to this, but
>the best I can do is wait for the release to get to me.

I think that Borland has two ethical choices in this matter:
(1) Give 1.01 at no charge to any 1.00 user who asks for it
(2) Charge the $15 and supply a list of all bugs and changes

They may well do the latter--I don't know. The beta I got had no such list.
