[comp.lang.c++] need help on building g++

tsao@scylla.iec.ufl.edu (Tsao) (11/06/90)

        I am trying to build GNU g++ on a Sun 4/370, but I got the following
error message:

        make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target `cplus-tab.h'

        I checked the directory, file `cplus-tab.h' is not there. Would
somebody please send me this file, or the problem is somewhere else.
The installation instruction is not clear.

        We are running SunOS-4.0.3, and I have installed gcc already. I also
tried both the alpha and beta versions of g++.

		Any help will be greatly appreciated.


jbuck@galileo.berkeley.edu (Joe Buck) (11/06/90)

In article <1990Nov5.213220.13315@eng.ufl.edu>, tsao@scylla.iec.ufl.edu (Tsao) writes:
|>         I am trying to build GNU g++ on a Sun 4/370, but I got the following
|> error message:
|>         make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target `cplus-tab.h'

People won't be able to help you in most cases if you don't specify the
version.  Evidently you weren't attempting to build from an official
version of g++, but were trying to make one of the beta-test versions
from labrea.stanford.edu.  I recommend that you stick to the official
versions unless you've had some experience with installing g++; the
beta versions haven't been cleaned up.  (That's why people do beta
versions, to allow others to help shake out bugs).

Get version 1.37.1 of g++ from one of the many sites that have it
(prep.ai.mit.edu, for example).

There's in error in the makefile for the labrea versions -- you need
to give bison the '-d' flag; it will then build cplus-tab.h.

Joe Buck
jbuck@galileo.berkeley.edu	 {uunet,ucbvax}!galileo.berkeley.edu!jbuck