[comp.lang.c++] "2-D" array of objects setup code?

steve@hite386.UUCP (Steve Hite) (11/13/90)

  I believe this question was asked about 6 - 12 months ago but I forgot
the answer.  I want to have a 2-D array of objects and access them with
the familiar array-name[][] notation (with assignments also).  Could someone 
please e-mail me the comp.lang.c++ discussion stream on this or re-answer?   
Big thanks in advance!!


   I am putting together a "Usenet Guide to C++" which is going to be a 
collection of articles from comp.lang.c++.  When it is done (dependent on
time I have and the amount of articles I have to work with...the bigger the
better)  I will ask permission of all of the article contributors for 
their okay to re-distribute in this manner and try to get it to some well-known
FTP sites (wuarchive, gatekeeper, sumex-aim, uunet, etc.).

  My above question has already been answered in comp.lang.c++ as well as
hundreds of other such "common" requests for examples.  It is hoped that this
guide will help to answer many of these so you can get more immediate help
in place of posting a "I think this has been answered here but I forgot..."
article.  My main goal is to put together a supplement to the ARM (E&S) with 
the C++ expertise found in comp.lang.c++ (and gnu.g++).

  If you would like to help, you can either e-mail me some C++ discussion
streams (no pun intended) you've saved or e-mail me a pointer to where some
are archived at an ftp site.  Thanks for you consideration of my request!

Steve Hite
CS Graduate Student @ University of North Florida, Jacksonville, Florida
Home System: ...uunet!gatech!uflorida!unf7!hite386!steve / steve@hite386.UUCP
School Acct: ...uunet!gatech!uflorida!unf7!shite