[comp.lang.c++] Looking for information on C++ vendors

damico@lectroid.sw.stratus.com (Dennis Damico) (11/14/90)

I'm seeking names of vendors of C++ products that run on the Intel i860 cpu.
Also seeking evaluations of these products: speed, reliability, standard
conformance, documentation quality, quality of vendor support, etc.  Any
help or information you can supply will be much appreciated. thanks.

rusty@qip.UUCP (Rusty Carruth) (11/15/90)

In article <3069@lectroid.sw.stratus.com> damico@lectroid.sw.stratus.com (Dennis Damico) writes:
>I'm seeking names of vendors of C++ products that run on the Intel i860 cpu.
>Also seeking evaluations of these products: speed, reliability, standard
>conformance, documentation quality, quality of vendor support, etc.  Any
>help or information you can supply will be much appreciated. thanks.

We are looking for the same kind of info for the Pyramid machines and for
386IX (Interactive Unix) machines.  I understand there is a "most commonly
asked questions" list, but I'm looking for personal comments/experiences
as well.  Email may be best, as I'm going to be behind in the newsgroup
for a while (until I can manage to catch up).   (Since I don't have the
"MCAQ" list, I'll not mind if ONE PERSON mails it to me - send me email
offering to send it - please do NOT send the list unless it is VERY short)

Thanks in advance!

+++  73 de N7IKQ  +++  
Rusty Carruth               {ames!ncar!noao!asuvax,mcdphx}!anasaz!rusty
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