[comp.lang.c++] ET++ library: what is it and how can I obtain it?

cjmchale@swift.cs.tcd.ie (11/16/90)

A friend has been told to get his hands on "ET++" which is a C++
library. Since he doesn't have net access I'm posting on his behalf.

Soooo, does anybody have any info about ET++. I *think* it's an
X-Window class library (hence the cross post to comp.windows.x).
I'd appreciate it if anybody had references to articles etc on it.
But most importantly I need to know how to obtain it.

Thanks in advance,
P.S. I'd prefer email replies since I don't get much time to read
these newsgroups anymore :-(
Ciaran McHale		"An inappropiate joke for every occasion"
Department of Computer Science, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Telephone: +353-1-772941 ext 1538    FAX: +353-1-772204   Telex: 93782 TCD EI
email: cjmchale@cs.tcd.ie	or	cjmchale%cs.tcd.ie@cunyvm.cuny.edu
	My opinions are.