[comp.lang.c++] 32bit C compilers for 80386

rhl@computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk (Robert Hartill) (11/15/90)

I've already tried comp.lang.c without success so i'll try this newsgroup.

Can anyone name a 32bit C compiler for a 80386 ?

Any comments/data on the benefit of 32bit compilation would be appreciated.

 | Robert Hartill. Research Student, University Of Wales College Cardiff   |
 | Department Of Computing Mathematics. /----------------------------------\
 |                                      |   UWCC, PO Box 916, Cardiff      |
 | E-mail : rhl@uk.ac.cf.cm             |       CF2 4YN, UK.               |

c164-bd@portia.uucp (John D. Mitchell) (11/15/90)

In article <1990Nov14.175550.20487@computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk> rhl@computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk (Robert Hartill) writes:
>I've already tried comp.lang.c without success so i'll try this newsgroup.
>Can anyone name a 32bit C compiler for a 80386 ?
>Any comments/data on the benefit of 32bit compilation would be appreciated.

The ones I can think of off the top of my head are:
MetaWare HighC 386
Watcom 386

There are a couple of others but they have slipped my memory.

The biggest thing is that you have to run the code under a DOS
extender (such as Phar Lap's).  Benefits depend on the code that
you write.  Anything that can benefit from 32-bit math or data
chunks will probably see the greatest speed up.  Code size might

Good luck,

khaw@parcplace.com (Mike Khaw) (11/16/90)

c164-bd@portia.uucp (John D. Mitchell) writes:

>In article <1990Nov14.175550.20487@computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk> rhl@computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk (Robert Hartill) writes:
>>Can anyone name a 32bit C compiler for a 80386 ?

>The biggest thing is that you have to run the code under a DOS
>extender (such as Phar Lap's).  Benefits depend on the code that

Hmm, I suppose you might consider ParcPlace's Smalltalk as a way to run
32-bit C code under MS-Windows 3.0 w/o using a DOS extender (unless you
consider Smalltalk the DOS extender :-)). It requires that you use
Metaware High-C as the C compiler.

Disclaimer: I work for ParcPlace Systems and I think Smalltalk is a
whole lotta fun.
Mike Khaw
ParcPlace Systems, Inc., 1550 Plymouth St., Mountain View, CA 94043
Domain=khaw@parcplace.com, UUCP=...!{uunet,sun,decwrl}!parcplace!khaw

bright@nazgul.UUCP (Walter Bright) (11/18/90)

In article <1990Nov14.175550.20487@computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk> rhl@computing-maths.cardiff.ac.uk (Robert Hartill) writes:
/Can anyone name a 32bit C compiler for a 80386 ?


enc@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US (Erez N. Carmel) (11/19/90)

Intel, who has a clear interest in 32-bit computing, has a 32-bit
compiler and debugger package.  Please contact Intel PCEO (PC 
enhancement operation) for details.   The compiler was demonstrated
in Comdex.

#      E. Carmel, Sacramento, Ca.                           #  
#   ...ames!pacbell!sactoh0!telelnk!ecarmel                 #

joe@proto.COM (Joe Huffman) (11/20/90)

In article <4331@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US>, enc@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US (Erez N. Carmel) writes:
> Intel, who has a clear interest in 32-bit computing, has a 32-bit
> compiler and debugger package.  Please contact Intel PCEO (PC 
> enhancement operation) for details.   The compiler was demonstrated
> in Comdex.

We (Zortech) has a 32 bit compiler in beta right now.  We expect to ship
in 4 to 6 weeks.

Zortech mailing list: send email to 'ztc-list-request@uunet.uu.net' with:
Add: your-user-name@your-machine-name
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Zortech is my major source of income.  Statements about them or their 
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