[comp.lang.c++] Need help on gdb 3.5, g++-1.37.2 on a sparc OS4.1

zurek@sherekhan.uucp (Jan Zurek ZGDV (Lux)) (11/22/90)

Hello !

I have a problem in installing gdb-3.5 on a sparc running OS4.1.
I allready installed GNU-Bison Version 1.11, GNU-as Version 1.35
GNU CC Version 1.37.1 and GNU G++ with libg++ Version 1.37.2.
Installing gdb-3.5 did not make any problems. Debugging pure C-Code
also makes no problem. But it is impossible to set any breakpoints in
the simplest C++ code with any simple class constructions. This fails
with following message :
   invalid symbol data : unrecognized type code 't' at symtab pos xx

The program has been compiled with following options :

Do you know how to fix this bug ? Please answer me under email. I am 
sitting at zurek@agd.fhg.de
Jan Zurek		ZGDV Zentrum fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung
(zurek@zgdvda.uucp)	Wilhelminenstr. 7 		    wMw
			D-6100 Darmstadt, West Germany	    ~.~
			Phone: +49/6151/155-101		    \-/