[comp.lang.c++] C to C++ converter

ts@ztivax.UUCP (Thomas Schreiber) (08/21/89)

Is there anybody who has/knows about a tool that converts
a C source so that the C++-translator accepts it without
producing unnecessary warnings ?

I need this C-to-C++-Converter primarily for type-checking
old C code.

If I can't find such a tool, I'll think about writing one
by myself. Who else needs a tool like this ?

Please let me know !

Thomas Schreiber              e-mail: ts@ztivax.siemens.com
K PN SE 21, Siemens AG
Munich, Germany

rfg@dg-rtp.dg.com (Ron Guilmette) (08/22/89)

In article <728@ztivax.UUCP> ts@ztivax.UUCP (Thomas Schreiber) writes:
>Is there anybody who has/knows about a tool that converts
>a C source so that the C++-translator accepts it without
>producing unnecessary warnings ?
>I need this C-to-C++-Converter primarily for type-checking
>old C code.
>If I can't find such a tool, I'll think about writing one
>by myself. Who else needs a tool like this ?

I have created a tool which does the bulk of the conversion
automatically.  It is publically available (FSF copylefted).
It still needs some work, but it may be useful to you in its
current form.  (More info about obtaining this tool is given

There are LOTS of little nit-picky issues which come up when
converting old C code to C++ code.  I will not go into *all* of the
details here, other that to suggest that you try a large conversion
yourself and see where the problems are.

The *main* issue seems to be conversion of function declarations
and definitions to ANSI-C/C++ prototype form.  This is what my tool

I tried a large conversion (i.e. GCC in C => GCC in C++) and found
that the following additional things (among others) were problems.

1)	Protoization of function declarations/definitions may force
	you to re-order your "type" declarations (i.e. struct/union/enum
	type definitions) such that they appear earlier in your files.
	For example, the following will have to be reordered following

		extern void glop ();

		struct phoo { int splat; int blah; };

		void glop (arg)
		    struct phoo arg;
			/* body */

	After (full) protoization, the first declaration of glop()
	will look like:

		extern int glop (struct phoo arg);

	This will cause errors unless the declaration of "struct phoo"
	is moved up to a point before the first declaration of glop().

2)	Old-style "varargs" functions need to be converted to use
	the new ANSI-C/C++ "stdarg" conventions & declarations.

3)	The following code is perfectly legal C code, but becomes illegal
	C++ code after protoization.  Can you guess why?  It will still be
	legal C code after protoization, but it will get a warning (quite
	rightly so) from GCC after protoization.  G++ on the other hand will
	not like it at all after protoization.

		enum color { red, green, blue };

		extern void splat ();

		void nasty ()

		void splat (arg)
		    enum color arg;
			/* body */

Even though the above problems are irritating during the conversion
process, it is "good" that you take the time to make the necessary
adjustments.  Doing a good conversion job insures that your code
will be more portable when the inevitable deluge of ANSI-C compilers
arrives on the scene.  (Soon, I hope.)  Further, if you do a complete
protoization/conversion, you are likely to find many function-calling
errors (wrong number/order/type of actual arguments) in your code.
Having your (ANSI-C) compiler find these errors for you what strong
type checking is all about!  (I found several errors in the GCC sources
this way.)

My "protoize" tool works in two phases.  First, you run a modified
version of the GNU C compiler (i.e. GCC) over the code to be converted.
In this phase, GCC writes out files of prototyping information to be
used later during the actual conversion.  Second, you run the "protoize"
program.  This program reads all of the prototype-info files created in
step (1) and performs the necessary edits to *all* of your source files
(both "base" and "include" files).  That is all there is to it.

The required patches to GCC, and the protoize program itself are all
combined into one "patch file" for GCC (1.35).  This file is called
protoize-1.01.Z and may be obtained via anonymous FTP from yahi.stanford.edu
(  There is also a 1.00 and a 1.02 version out there, but
these are both slightly broken.  I suggest using 1.01 for now, until
I get time to make a new version.  There is a lengthy man page included
in the "patch file".  Read it.

P.S.  Typedef'ed type names are not handled correctly yet.  Real Soon Now.

// Ron Guilmette

grg@otter.hpl.hp.com (Gerd Groos) (08/23/89)

>Is there anybody who has/knows about a tool that converts
>a C source so that the C++-translator accepts it without
>producing unnecessary warnings ?

Someone mentioned such a tool in this group (comp.lang.c++) around the
20 June 89. Subject title was 'PROTOIZE 1.00 - now available for FTP'

>> I would like to announce the availability of an automated
>> prototyping assistant tool.  This tool can automate much (but
>> definitely not all) of the otherwise tedious work of converting
>> a large system of source files to ANSI-C (or C++) prototype
>> format.  This assistant can convert most of the obvious cases,
>> leaving you to do only the occasional tricky case manually.
>> [..]

Sorry, I didn't store the rest of the message, nor the authors name
or ftp address...
         Viel Spass damit


wswietse@tuewsk.UUCP (Wietse Venema) (08/30/89)

In article <2620010@otter.hpl.hp.com> grg@otter.hpl.hp.com (Gerd Groos) writes:
>Someone mentioned such a tool in this group (comp.lang.c++) around the
>20 June 89. Subject title was 'PROTOIZE 1.00 - now available for FTP'
>Sorry, I didn't store the rest of the message, nor the authors name
>or ftp address...

The author is: Ron Guilmette; his e-mail address (rfg@mcc.com).
					Wietse Venema

wswietse@lso.win.tue.nl	| Eindhoven University of Technology 
wswietse@heitue5.bitnet	| 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

rfg@dg-rtp.dg.com (Ron Guilmette) (09/01/89)

In article <437@tuewsd.lso.win.tue.nl> wswietse@tuewsk.UUCP (Wietse Venema) writes:
>In article <2620010@otter.hpl.hp.com> grg@otter.hpl.hp.com (Gerd Groos) writes:
>>Someone mentioned such a tool in this group (comp.lang.c++) around the
>>20 June 89. Subject title was 'PROTOIZE 1.00 - now available for FTP'
>>Sorry, I didn't store the rest of the message, nor the authors name
>>or ftp address...
>The author is: Ron Guilmette; his e-mail address (rfg@mcc.com).

Right name.  Wrong address.

I am now (temporarily) at rfg@dg-rtp.dg.com.  I will be here till next
Tuesday (Sept 5Th).  Then I'll be on vacation for about two weeks, and
then I can be reached at rfg@ics.uci.edu.

The protoize tool is no longer available via FTP from yahi.stanford.edu,
because yahi is now off the net.  If you are desperate and can't wait,
I can E-mail protoize to you, but you would be better off waiting until
I can get to UCI and work on fixing the two remaining serious bugs.

// rfg

rwk@CS.UTAH.EDU (Richard W. Kreutzer) (11/25/90)

I am looking for a program to convert C to C++ (e.g., function prototypes).


        Richard (Dick) W. Kreutzer
UUCP:   cs.utah.edu!olyis!rwk
Mail:   Olympus Software, Inc.; 1333 E 9400 S; Sandy, UT 84093 (USA)
Phone:  +1 801 572 1610