[comp.lang.c++] Exit vs. return in main

albert@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Albert Wu) (11/26/90)

Dear all:

I use ATT CC 2.0.  I have a question about using return vs. exit() in the
main function.  I found that the destructor is not called automatically
when I use exit, but it is called if I use return.  For example, in the
following case:

#include <stream.h>

class Junk
  Junk(){ cout << "Constructor called.\n";}
  ~Junk() { cout << "Destructor called.\n"; }

  Junk idol;
  return 1;

the destructor is not called.  However, if I eliminate the exit(1); line,
the destructor will be called.  Did I do something wrong here ?  Is this
the way it should be ?  Where can I pinpoint documentation about this
issue ( difference between exit and return ) ?  Pls reply using email
also because I don't read the newsgroup regularly.  Thanks ahead.

-- Albert Wu.