[net.sf-lovers] FULL listing of responses to 'Other' poll

heliotis (02/01/83)

This is an amusing listing of the essential lines from people's votes
in the "other" poll,  Sorted to add the flavor of randomness.

P.S.  Remember I said I just wanted votes, not reasons?!

					Jedi have more fun
					May the force be with you!
					Not afraid to sound ridiculous,
				will destroy themselves.
		CANNOT save herself.
		but I just have a feeling that he (she?) isn't.
		class suburban kids don't get excited seeing a black
		man rescuing a white princess.
	 Princess Leia(not born kit).
	... is simply Princess Leia.  Lucas doesn't seem to be into
	But my wife wants to put a vote in for some long lost relative of
	Chewie  -- see explanation for Lando
	Darth   -- hmm.  Nah, the fight would be too easy.
	For what its worth,
	Han Solo -- too undisciplined
	Here are 2 votes for your "Other" survey.  As for me "I don't care".
	I believe the other is actually "an"other. Just another time for
	I feel the other is Boba Fett.
	I think He will be (Yoda!!!(just kidding) Han Solo or the Son of
	I vote for Lando.
	I vote for a-character-to-be-seen-later.  I can only assume
	Lando   -- no offense intended, but he's black, and middle-
	Luke's.  Does he have any?
	Obi Won -- dead
	Princess -- in action movies, the princess gets saved, she
	R2D2/C3PO -- too slow on their feet
	Yoda    -- possibly, can't think of a good reason why not,
   I'd bet a quarter that the 'other' is a new character or
   I'm definitely a "don't care."
   My vote:  OB-2 Kenobi.
  I vote for Lando, as hints have it he will play a major role in RotJ.
"other,"  Yoda (but not OB?!) would possibly have to have been able
(Han, Leia, Darth, etc) have shown strong enough signs of the Force,
(What a cynic!)
(and Vader's) lifetime.  During that war Vader, a mighty Jedi, was captured
(seriously).  The obvious candidates are The Princess and Han Solo.  On
(who will be born during tRotJ).
Actually, it look like everyone is making way too much out
At any rate, perhaps through that battle Vader has already been conquered,
Boba Fett
Boba Fett.
Count one vote for Leia.
Darth Vader (sp?)
Estimated-Chance-Of-Arrival: 20% (I don't trust UUCP mail)
Flame on!
Gary Peterson (if not him, then I won't know 'till the movie).
George Lucas seems to like [big] twists; he also seems to be nonsexist,
Han Solo
I am just planning to wait for ROTJ and enjoy the film. Mark down my vote
I don't care.
I fully expect to be wrong.
I think it's Princess Leia.
I think that the "other" must be Leia, but if it's true that the
I think that the discussion of who the OTHER is is an interesting and 
I think the "other" is Han Solo.
I think the other is:  Mr. Spock.
I vote for Boba Fett.
I vote for Bobba Fett (sp?) cause Lucas is smart enough to know the
I vote for Darth Vader, if for no other reason than he's an interesting guy.
I vote for Han Solo as the Other.
I vote for Leia.  Remember that Yoda was concerned that Luke was too old.
I vote for no one....I don't think that the "other hope" is
I'm fairly sure about what/who it's not.  It is not Leia's child; this just
I'm not convinced it's not Boba Fett or Darth himself.
Is this poll related to the question (way back when) about who the Other is
It also isn't Lando; it wouldn't be fitting to have a newcomer save the day.
It is clear that the other could only be Luke's severed hand,
Lando Calrissian
Luke's father: Luke is sensitive enough to the force that he "feels" the truth
Mark me down as don't care.
Master (or Teacher) to do this.    So we're back to the Princess
My opinion is that "the Other" is a stub, inserted so that a future
My vote for the Other is:	no person.  The hope is that Luke and Vader
My vote for the other is Lando Calrissian (sp?).
My vote for the other is R2D2, given that no new (major) character
My vote is Han.
My vote is for Luke's & Leia's yet-to-be-born son
OK, here's my entry in The Great "Other" Speculation Sweepstakes:
OK, now I'll go out on a limb and tie all this nonse.se together: the last
Okay, then.  I think that the "Other" is Vader.  Luke is, of course,
On the other burning issue of TESB, I for one have no doubt that Darth is
Other Poll: My vote: Han Solo.
P.S. Hope to see the list of categories-- let alone the count of
Please include the Question the poll was addressing , along with the 
Please let me know how other people have speculated about this.
Princess Leia
Re: "Other votes"
Recall, he quietly diddled with the controls on the side of the block
So, my guess:  We still haven't seen how Obi-wan is to become "more powerful
Someone we haven't seen yet.
The Jedi, however, hoped to replace the warrior they'd lost by having
The MAD Programmer -- Cornet 291-3814
The force is a recessive trait (which, by the way, never manifests itself in
The trained Jedi's we know of are- Obi-Wan, Luke's father (presumed dead),
There is absolutely no question that the Other is Princess Leia. Remember
Via: cbosgd.UUCP (V3.94 [3/6/82]); 12-Jan-83 11:54:47-EST (Wed)
Well, let's see...  First of all, the antecedent to "other" is "our only
What exactly are you measuring. Your article (rocheste.422) does not say.
Within the ST mythos, it's nobody Obiwan has ever been close to, since his
Yet another 2 cents worth: "the other" is nobody you've ever heard of.  From
Yoda, and Darth Vader.  I personally don't expect a change in character
a clone of Vader-- hence the use of "father" is ambiguous, and Ben
a person at all--but a situation/event/series of events.  I
a practical point of view, "the other" gives Lucas tremendous plot leverage:
a quick conservative bet, I'd pick the Princess.  However, the dark
alive in the bounty hunter's cargo hold, and...).  And he did help
all have for the American public.
and made a prisoner of war. His dastardly captors, in addition to giving him
and the characters we already have really don't make it.
and wrong after the movie plays?}
another person.  Second, though I'm not so sure what the other hope IS, 
as the best hope of the Rebellion -- if he reforms, he can
as undetermined, but not uninterested.
assassin (there's a certain justice in myth that isn't there in real life...).
attraction that supposed-bad-guys-who-turn-out-to-be-good-guys-after-
be a Jedi, but will be the key factor in the final battle.
being the most likely candidate (especially since she's supposed to
can't imagine how i missed that question, as it is an important issue
carriers. The night they spent making whoopee on Landau's planet will produce a
cast of familiar characters I'd rank Darth Vader himself
city toward the end of tESB?
curious to find out what the poll was about - when you publish the results.
deeply twisted plots.  Anyways, this is my vote.  RSVP an acknowlegement
didn't really lie to Luke about his father.  Vader (perhaps with a
different name in those days) was a Jedi who was severly wounded in
do it) and cloned by the advanced science of the Jedi.
during her childhood.   (One more thing... it's a small twist, and
else a character so minor as to be new (like the rebel pilot
entertaining topic, but I don't really have a firm conviction as to who it is.
evil character kills a good one who offers his life to save others (as in
females, much as you'll never see a male calico cat). Both Leia and Han are
freed and, humanely, his clones -- Skywalker and "the other" -- were placed
from any of these.
galaxy.  Don't know a name.
good guys.  Given that Lucas will reportedly lay off ST production for a few
great battles were during the "clone wars," which occured during Obi's
grew some duplicates from tissue samples.  At the war's end, Vader was
he can kill off "Wimp" Skywalker anytime without blowing all hope for the
he is probably older than Solo since he used to fly the Millenian Falcon
hope" -- so I think the reference is to another hope, not necessarily to
horse in all this might be Lando Calrizian (sp?).  He seems to have
immensely powerful or taking a powerful form, is the same event that Yoda
in Episode V.
is no right answer.  The Other may or may not appear in the next film.
is to be introduced in this movie and that none of the other contenders
isn't that sort of film.  It isn't Han; he's [still] too much of an
join forces with Luke to defeat the Emperor, as he hinted
kid who is the "other".
named "Wedge".  Now THERE's a thought).  Among the present
of Vader...  she may have picked up an "interest" in the Jedi's
of a simple adventure movie.
of his father ( whom I believe not to Darth; but OB himself ). As it 
of the statement.  The relationship may not be classical -- e.g. Luke may be
ok ok ok ok ok
or about the one asking whether the endless Star Wars epic should have its
or even antisexist.)
other" at the other end of the galaxy, perhaps even one yet unborn.
outsider to the Force.         
own newsgroup. In either case, put me down as an I don't care. I will be 
please, so I can be sure it reached you.
plot could take advantage of it.  Until that plot materializes, there
possibility I can think of is that the other is already a trained Jedi.
ps:  read that part under Lando -- "as excited"
realized, I don't know; but one observation:  in myth and fantasy, when an
recaptured during its fall by Yoda (who believed that he could
recently taken a fondness to resisting, even actively fighting the Empire.
recruit.  Yoda, the perfect master, could presumably feel the existence of "the
refers to as the "other [hope]".  (And thus it is appropriate, perhaps, that
reforming, or whatever stops them from being Jedis now.  R2D2 is not to
returns and he may be the "other."
sensitivity to the force would have revealed "the other" as a good prospective
still a part of Vader, and he is the "Other" hope.
such a hard time that he turned toward the dark side of the force, also
than you can possibly imagine".  A voice in Luke's head isn't really all
that Solo was frozen in (no doubt set it on defrost, so Solo will come
that line was to discourage Hamill from asking for too much money.
that much.  I'll guess that this event referred to by Obi-wan, his becoming
the Empire.  I don't recall any suggestion that the Force allowed a
the Vader - Obi-Wan battle), that often brings about the downfall of the
the clone (Luke) raised O-1 and OB-1.  Something not wholly evil is
the others get safely out of the city.   Of course for him to be the
the scene in the Millenium Falcon swooping below the hangin-in-the-air
the wars-- why else clone someone?-- and lost to the Empire.  In his
the words are spoken to Obi-wan.)  In what specific form this will be
think it is unlikely to be a new character--that is too contrived,
though we have not yet seen the results.
title is being changed, then I think it may be Luke's father who
to see into the future to see that lando was going to start resisting
turn out to be the brother of Luke and thus apparently the daughter
votes for each-- soon.
we will see him/her in RotJ since the Jedi are revenging.
weakened state, he was corrupted towards the Dark Side of the Force.
when Vader "calls" to him: the response is immediate: "Father?"
where they ( the good guys ) with the help of the now trained jedi ( luke )
will escape into to exile ( to return if there is ever another saga ).
will render the Universe of THE EMPIRE and all its kind ... Darth of courese
with Lando.  That leaves Leia as the youngest character.  The only other
with foster parents.
years, he's going to need that freedom.
young luke to return to Yoda's guiding hand and follow in the footsteps
{Are you going to keep these notes and release the names of who was right


                                                Hope you enjoyed it,
                                                Jim Heliotis