[comp.lang.c++] Turbo c++ 32 bit code generation?

jerry@starfish.Convergent.COM (Gerald Hawkins) (11/14/90)

I tried out Borland TC++ on a friend's computer the other day.  (I'm too
cheap to buy it if it won't be better for me than TC 2.0).  I was
suprised that I could find no reference to 80386 or 32-bit code
generation.  Am I missing something obvious?  Or did Borland wimp out and
release a product which doesn't take advantage of 32 bit math?

E-mail to:  jerry@starfish.convergent.com

Gerald Hawkins

techsup@NMC.gn7cg.pent.osd.mil (tech support) (11/17/90)

TC++ 1.0 will generate 386 specific code, but, it may not be what you are 
thinking of when you say a 386 compiler.  It really is an 80x8x compiler, not
a 386 specific complier, per se.


hrbaan@praxis.cs.ruu.nl (Hayo Baan) (11/20/90)

In <TECHSUP.90Nov16205242@NMC.gn7cg.pent.osd.mil> techsup@NMC.gn7cg.pent.osd.mil (tech support) writes:

->TC++ 1.0 will generate 386 specific code, but, it may not be what you are 

How does it do this, does it do this automaticly, or do I have to specify that
I want 80386 code? By the way is there a way to force the compiler to generate
80387 coprocessor-code?


| Hayo R. Baan     | E-Mail : hrbaan@cs.ruu.nl                           |
| Oudwijkerlaan 34 |-----------------------------------------------------|
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jdunn@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Jeff Dunn) (11/28/90)

hrbaan@praxis.cs.ruu.nl (Hayo Baan) writes:
> techsup@NMC.gn7cg.pent.osd.mil (tech support) writes:
>->TC++ 1.0 will generate 386 specific code, but, it may not be what you are 
>How does it do this, does it do this automaticly, or do I have to specify that
>I want 80386 code? By the way is there a way to force the compiler to generate
>80387 coprocessor-code?

Turbo C or C++ generating 32-bit code is news to me.  It will generate
286-specific code, using operations not available on earlier processors, but
it will not generate code for protected mode on any processor.

>| Hayo R. Baan     | E-Mail : hrbaan@cs.ruu.nl                           |


                                 TALK HARD

iisakkil@niksula.hut.fi (Mika R Iisakkila) (11/28/90)

jdunn@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Jeff Dunn) writes:

> Turbo C or C++ generating 32-bit code is news to me.  It will generate
> 286-specific code, using operations not available on earlier processors, but
> it will not generate code for protected mode on any processor.

How's this?

Turbo C++  Version 1.00 Copyright (c) 1990 Borland International
Syntax is: TCC [ options ] file[s]     * = default; -x- = turn switch x off
  -1      80186/286 Instructions    -2      80286 Protected Mode Inst.
Aina on oltava valmiina taistelemaan panssarivaunuja vastaan.

techsup@NMC.gn7cg.pent.osd.mil (tech support) (11/28/90)

My mistake, I wasn't thinking early in the morning.  Turbo C++ doesn't generate
386 code.