[comp.lang.c++] Function Point vs. LOC for C++

locke@pdn.paradyne.com (Richard Locke) (11/29/90)

Does anyone know an approximate relationship between Function Points
and LOC for the C++ programming language?  References
would also be appreciated.



Dick Locke					AT&T Paradyne Corporation
{uunet,peora}!pdn!locke				Mail stop LG-133
Phone: (813) 530-8241				P.O. Box 2826
						Largo, FL  34649-2826  USA

cml@tove.cs.umd.edu (Christopher Lott) (11/30/90)

In article <1990Nov29.140601.26970@pdn.paradyne.com> locke@pdn.paradyne.com (Richard Locke) writes:
>Does anyone know an approximate relationship between Function Points
>and LOC for the C++ programming language? 

Seems to me that this would make a great empirical study......
and someone in, say, an AT&T environment would be in a perfect position to
study several C++ developments (the more the better) and write a really nice
paper about relationships between function points and executable lines of code

Anyone want to fund me for 6 months to study this in their organization?
(I'm only 1/2 kidding, and I do NOT mean to use the net for financial gain)

No relationship is going to apply to ALL applications, environments, etc.
But data like this is *very* useful in the environment where it was gathered,
and somewhat interesting as a baseline in other environments where measurement
work is a little less advanced.

Has anyone done such a study?  It would make a great paper for me to review
for a class I'm in right now, so I'm interested too!

Christopher Lott    Dept of Comp Sci, Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
  cml@cs.umd.edu    4122 AV Williams Bldg  301-405-2721 <standard disclaimers>